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Share your quitting journey

1st time

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Hi all,  today is day 5 for me.  I have been reading everyday and the one thing I keep reading over and over is to participate.  That the support given from people in this site is what saved many people many times.  So here I am getting my feet wet.  Wanted to say that I'm really glad this site is here.  I do read every day and find it helpful.  Keep up the good work everyone !!


Welcome!!! And HOORAY for 5 days!!! What you have worked through in the first 5 days will give you strength on your journey. Later you'll look back on these days and be SO proud of yourself! I quit 7 months ago after smoking for almost 40 years. And it is AWESOME!!



This site has saved me more than once. But don't just read. Share your trials and triumphs. Share what you learn with people that are newer than you.  Posting is as therapeutic as reading.  It is rewarding to get positive feedback. Sometimes I use the site to get support, and when I am feeling good, I try to give that support to others that are struggling.  I hope your quit is successful. It is a roller coaster journey, but one that is incredibly rewarding.


Hey Laurie,  I did not expect anyone to respond that quickly, thanx !!!  Good for you 7 months - that is really cool.  In your experience, when did it really start gettting easier ??  After 2-3 months ??


good for you mj.

if you are tempted, come here before you smoke


Welcome. Congratulations on 5 days being smoke free. This site is a wonderful tool in your quiting process. The people here are fantastic . It is a place that you can drop by at anytime day or night for that extra little pat on the back and a little push in the right direction. You have found freedom.


Glad to have you here Meanjean!!  I still remember my 5th day and I was SO proud of myself, just like you should be!  This Ex community was the best decision and/or choice I've ever made in my life!!(Except deciding to quit smoking).   I got on this site and asked for advice before I actually quit and I read EVERYTHING these wonderful people told me to read....I am now on day 39 and couldn't be happier!  

Remember what jonescarp said above....come here BEFORE you think you need a cigarette and put a blog out here that you need "Help!" and people will respond!!!  Again, welcome to this Site and your new life!!!  Congratulations! - Cindy


Linda - have not heard sickarette yet - that will be my new favorite saying for a while.  One day at a time is what I am trying to do right now - sometimes one hour at a time.  I have been using the breathing and watching the clock to see that the feeling really does pass in a few minutes.  Looking forward to better weather, snowed again today, I love to walk and it really helps keep my mind off the cravings, if only for a couple of hours.

thanks again for all the kind words.


I am glad we can give you a place to soak your feet! Remember always blog if you are thinking of smoking, then wait for replies! (ask the audience). Have some friends that will exchange phone numbers with you! Use those numbers if you are thinking of smoking!(phone a friend)! Know that you have these lifelines and use them as needed! Welcome to EX! There are a lot of good people here! You can do this! We will help!


I'm new as well, coming up on my 8th day.  Today is the first day I've actually felt good and the cravings have not begun yet.  I am using patches.  Use anything you can to keep that thing out of your mouth.  The people here are very supportive, on my first blog I was in tears from the replies.  It really made me feel better. Congratulations to you.  People who do not smoke do not understand what you go through.  They think, just stop!  They are unaware of the many symptoms of withdrawal that you suffer through every moment of your waking hours.  I give you cudos and many congrats for going with the choice of not to smoke.  I come here everyday and just read.  Someone will inevitably write whatever I am thinking or what my concerns are for that day.  You are not alone.  Stay with it.


Hi Jean and welcome, a lot of people do this from the rail but getting involved ads another dimension to the group dynamic. Congratulations on 5 days and here’s to sound decisions. Mike


Keep up the good work, YOU!!!  Congrats on Day 5!!!


{splash!} Didn't want just your feet to be wet! 😉

Welcome.... did you fill out your page profile? Sometimes this helps us to get to know you better....


Congratulations on Day 5!!! Definitely spend time with us, we can help!! And you can help us too!! I agree with Lynette, fill out your profile! Protect that quit at all costs! Remember N.O.P.E. - Not One Puff Ever!!! 🙂


GM, Monday morning - day 9.  I met a friend of mine Saturday night, she is a smoker.  I was very nervous.  Have tried quitting in the past and when I see her, I bum a smoke.  I am so happy to say, not this time.  We spent about 5 hours together and many of my triggers were there.  I kept repeating in my head, protect the quit - N.O.P.E !!  It was not easy, but I did it and I am hoping the next time I see her it will be easier, now that I have told that trigger - I am a non smoker now, ever when I hang out with my smoking friend.  Really glad this site is here !!  Really glad I am 9 days smoke free.  Thanks and good luck to everyone