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1st day

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Last night i made myself so sick with my last few smokes. Ended up throwing up. I think i really needed it. Relizing how addicted i was, past the point of feeling sick to actully being sick. 

So today i tried to stay busy. We had some friends over. One of the guys had an e-cig. I found myself inhaling everytime he did. Lol. 

So i need your thoughts. I am on nrt's. So do e-cigs count as smoking? This is a debate i am having with myself. 


i dont consider it smoking but you are mimicing smoking in every way except lighting up.

if it has nicotine, you mayl remain a nicotine addict


and besides the mimic factor, if you are on another NRT, and you are inhaling, you may be getting a too high dose of nicotine everyday because  E-cigs DO have nicotine. That can be dangerous, be very very careful.


Were you taking NRT's when you smoked the last few cigs? that may be why you got sick.


I used nrts and I would say now that to quit cold turkey and be done with it would be the best way.

I lingeredon with them, I didn't do an e-cig but You are still getting nicotine.

read the blog that Kellie just posted called "where will I be on my third year anniversary" get serious about your life and quit.

I would rather breathe than smoke

quit date may 5 2009



I'm having the same debate with my own quit. My Dad quit smoking with the e-cig. He had planned on only using it for a couple of months but now he loves it and never plans on quitting vaping. His health has still dramatically increased even though he is still using nicotine. We never thought he would quit smoking so nobody would ever complain about him vaping.

I recently bought an e-cig w/o nicotine to help with the most tempting times. It's probably not a good idea, because I am just reinforcing the idea that I need or want a cigarette. Other the other hand, if it stops me from smoking in the early weeks, then it's a good thing?? I just don't know anymore. I tried the hole Easyway method w/o any substitutions but I found it to be anything but easy. 

Good luck,



Sorry about the typos:o Typing on an iPad is never accurate. Lol 

I didnt start nrts untill my quit. Thanks for the viewpoints. My hubby told me if i fall that he wants me to get e-cigs. So i am still on the edge of it.

The e-cig leads back to smoking. 

I hope you will do some reading. I especially loved the short course at  It helped me with my commitment to my decision to quit.

It is important that you commit to your decision, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel in the beginning.  Do the reading and you will change your thinking and understanding about nicotine addiction.  It makes a difference to the success of your wonderful and precious quit.

Don't try - decide to quit.  When you have a craving then you will have already decided that you will not smoke in response to that craving and very quickly you will learn to easily dismiss a craving.

I was a serial quitter before I got the kind of support here at Ex and the education to change my mind.