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1q2S 19 Years Free

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19 Years Quit 02-20-2020! 
For many, many years, I wanted at some point to be a non smoker. The thing is,
 I never tried to be. I kept on smoking. At this point in time, 2020, I smoked for half of my life. Great. The good thing is, I have not smoked for half of it! Yay! I was not a casual smoker. 
I always smoked. It was not till I got to Quitnet that I learned that the smoking was making me want to smoke more. Each cigarette was making me want another. It wasn't that I liked it so much. It was that the last cigarette made me want the next. It took care of the withdrawal from the cigarette before it and put me in a state to go into withdrawals again. Every 15 minutes.
My addicted body wanted it and made me feel that deep down in my soul I wanted it first and foremost and always and forever. I had a commitment to cigarettes unlike in many of my relationships. Cigarettes first. We have all been there. I was there. Just because I have not smoked for 19 years does not mean I did not smoke long and hard. I did.
  For a year or so I used the patch and gum. It did not work for me. I would not follow the directions and although I did not smoke w the patch on, I would take it off , smoke a bunch and then put a new one on.   I rewarded myself for not smoking w cigarettes. I doubt if during this time I ever went a day without smoking. Hmmm well obviously I did not get rid of the cigarettes, either.
For me, getting nicotine out of my body was best. I do think NRT is beneficial and the studies say it is best, even recent studies saying a combo of the patch and a little  gum can help. It was not for me. 
 For me learning that I could not smoke was key. No Smoking. None. NOT one Puff. Yes it was difficult to start with. I chewed a lot of gum and I stayed on the Q a lot.
I no longer remember when it quit being a part of my life. I do not think about smoking. Not me smoking. It is not a threat to me. It is not looming out there. It is not that monkey on my back. It is and has been just out of my life. Something that no longer really exists for me. Yes, I smoked. Yes, I get checked by the Dr every year, etc. Yes, it happened. It is not something that I fear now, not something I am afraid of. For all practical purposes it is gone.  My story and I am talking about me. 
I can appreciate that many of you will never feel this way and that is fine. The most important thing is that you never take that puff. 
I can understand what you all go through. I was there. I have been there. I did it. The hard part for any of us is saying "I am not going to smoke anymore" and then following through on that, not smoking anymore.
The help is here at Become an Ex  and other social media, just like it was for me at Quitnet. I doubt I could have quit without the social media. I only read posts because I was too shy to post. I saw people doing it and it gave me hope that it could actually be done, that perchance I could actually be like them and do it. That is what kept me going, minute by minute. I will always remember looking at the people with three days and wondering how in the world I could ever get that far, if I could ever possibly do it... we are talking three days. 
Let social media help you Quit and stay Quit. Everything you need to help you is right here. 
Thank you, all of you for being with me on this road. Although I do not need support to not smoke, I appreciate and value the relationships and the interaction that we have. It means a lot to me, more than you will ever know. Thank you! We do this together! 
Pic: Party Hat from Cliff. 19 Years Quit! Yay! Onward! and thank you every one so much!
Post originally posted on NOPE365
I hope I have posted this in the right place. Hi all! Love you and miss you!!
And no smoking to every one, one and all! If I can do it, anyone can do it!! 

Congratulations 1q2S on your incredible 19 years of smoke free living.  Glad you are doing 



Big Congratulations!





(It was learning the way nicotine addiction worked that was the turning point for me, too!  Glad you mentioned it!)


A super duper CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for each and every year WON Whoo hoo on 19 splendiferous Smokefree years and counting WTG.


CONGRATULATIONS, that is amazing!



Big time BRAVO!!!!


Another great blog to give us inspiration!  Thank you for speaking up and sharing your journey and CONGRATULATIONS!!!


As the saying goes, if I can do it, anyone can do it! Quit smoking, be happy with yourself not smoking. It is ALL GOOD! 

Thank you everyone! 

Not applicable

Curious , if you don't mind me asking , how long did you smoke ? 

Congratulations on a huge celebration . Next year is going to be awesome too . 

Thanks for dropping in . 


Wow!  Simply put, that's the right word.  Oh, so much to be grateful for. Congratulations.


Wow.  Makes me feel like a newbie, your blog, even though I'm almost 14 years quit.  

" For me learning that I could not smoke was key. No Smoking. None. NOT one Puff."  That too was one of the keys to my longevity.  The other was simply understanding that this was actually an addiction.  It had never occurred to me before I joined a quit site and became educated about it all.  I would just blindly go get cigarettes in my times of need, never recognizing that that need was actually simply an addiction.  Perhaps it was just the "defining" of that need that I needed.  Once I understood why I ran out to the cigarette store having to put my clothes back on after getting ready for bed at night, knowing there weren't any left for the morning, once I understood that it wasn't just that I "wanted" a cigarette but that I NEEDED one, and once I understood the lengths to which  I would go to in order to get that cigarette  - it was the revelation I needed in order to become free.  Because when I learned how and why my brain had been altered by this constant dopamine thrill, I was then able to figure out the way to stop it.  Stop the desperate need.  Until you can define the problem, how can you discover the solution?

Have no fear - you've posted this in just the right place.  Wild clapping and a head bow coming at you from this non-smoking quarter of Tennessee.


1q2S Congrats on 19 years, what a wonderful quitter you are. I will 3rd this "It was learning the way nicotine addiction worked that was the turning point for me, too! "

Your quit stats are impressive!


Whoo Hoo...1q2S 19 years of Freedom is super...Thank you for sharing.  Have a great weekend....~ Colleen 445 DOF 


Congrats on 19 years smoke free.  That's super.



Let me add my congratulations! Super quit journey! Great blog!