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Share your quitting journey

140 Days

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I have made it 140 days without smoking. I quit cold turkey so I only had to get through the initial shock of being without nicotine. I recommend cold turkey. 

So now, I continually wrestle with the scary thought that I just might have that first one, out of curiosity, or out of a perceived need, and become hooked all over again. In short, I may be well on the other side these days, but the threat of a relapse is very real. 

I think my next obstacle is going to be when I get to South Carolina for a month long vacation ( February), I will be playing golf, and riding my bike on the beach--both endeavors also my to buy cheap cigarettes, and closet smoke. I've got to build up a resistance to those temptations. Right now, I'm feeling confident, but I know that familiar habits are not so far away--but at least, I have been 140 days without cigs --I've just got to keep going. 

Happy New Year to each of you.


First of all congrats on making it out of No Mans Land smoke free.  That's a major accomplishment.  I also quit cold turkey and I recommend it too.  You sound like you have a good grip on your quit but you always have to stay diligent.  It's sounds as though you are very aware of the pitfalls.  I have no doubt that you will make it through your vacation challenge.  Stay close and stay strong.


Thank you for writing. It means so much. I'm confident at the moment but I do know that the pitfalls can be many. The best thing I can do, I believe, is to anticipate problems coming. No man's land is correct--In many ways, this is more difficult that the initial quit--the excitement of success is gone.


Every day smoke free is a success we should be excited about.  Never forget that.  


@Augustus44 Congrats on making it out No Mans Land. 140 days is a BIG deal! I hear you on anxiety around the vacation coming up. I faced the same thing when I went on my first extended vacay. Speaking only for myself, I found that simply doing the "one day at a time" approach worked best for me.

Easier said than done though for sure. 

Cigs cost $17 to $18.00 a pack in Chicago, but when I went on vacay to Puerto Rico, I noticed they were only $10.00 to $11.00.  But that is all I did - notice it. 

The most important thing is that you realize you are vulnerable. I think whenever we adopt the attitude of "I've got this - I don't have to worry anymore", it's a (possible) red flag. That's just me. 

140 days is amazing and I am glad you are here sharing with us. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. You rock!😃





Wow, I can't believe that cigs cost $17.00 in your city. Amazing. I only see the poor smoking. Is that what you see? And if so, how the hell can they afford those prices? I thought $10.00 was outrageous. 

Thank you for responding to my post. Hope all is well


Congratulations on 140 days, @Augustus44 ! I’m still right behind you.   No sneaking smokes! Enjoy your upcoming vacation; breathe deep the sea breeze and smell the ocean. Be well, my friend! 


Congratulations on your milestone--140 days is awesome.  Yes, we will need to be vigilant, always probably, or at least for a long time.  Way too easy to get to a point where we think we are all over the addiction and so "just one" might be ok.  But we all know the truth, there is no such thing as just one.  Please continue to celebrate your successes, continue making a big deal out of the milestones along the road--this quitting thing is a continuous journey and each day we remain free is a success.  I know those closest to me have let up on celebrating my milestones with me but I've had some good advice from people here on Ex to continue with the hoorays for each victorious milestone.  140 days is amazing!!!  Keep on keepin' on!!!


Great Job bro, don't go back, seriously, my quit day tomorrow and I'm going to go that long plus more, I'm ready for the doubts, ready for the pain, already got bad influence out of my life, I've been going 13 hours, 33 hours without, every other day to prepare myself. Again Great Job, and keep doing it.


Congrats on your milestone! It's always a weird feeling, going into a different situation where you used to smoke/vape, and not knowing how it will feel.  Stay vigilant and stay committed to NOPE.  Don't ever think you're stronger than your addiction - you are not.  

This is going to be an amazing vacation.  I am excited for you to create new memories without your old crutch.  


140, not bad.  Not bad at all!  Quite wonderful, actually.  So take a couple of links with you when you go to South Carolina.  The choice to remain smoke free is totally in your hands.  You're aware you might get into trouble, so set up the mindset and safe places that will help you NOT do so.  You've already given the possibility some thought, so you're ahead of the game.

I created a group called Relapse Traps a zillion year ago on here.  Here's a link to those topics.  One just might help keep you in safe waters during your trip.  I hope so.  Day One's are no fun to go back to.  Tag: "relapse_traps" in "Relapse Prevention" - EX Community (

You've been working on your Masters Degree in Quitting for a while now, Augustus.  Since 2019, maybe?  Time to get'er done once and for all.  Work hard on overcoming that next obstacle and ace the next lesson!   Rooting for you!


Giulia, it looks like you have wrestled with the later addiction pulls on a non smoker. Thank you for your advice and the URL's that you sent along. They will be valuable. You are correct. I have been struggling for years to permanently quit. I've gone as long as one year, and then succumbed to a "one won't hurt." That will be a challenge when I get to it. Right now, cigs are on my mind at different times. I'll keep fighting. 


Hey EXODUS. I hope that you have quit, and that you are fighting hell week, and winning. Let me know if you need help--I'm right here, and ready to help in any way. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

How amazing @Augustus44! 140 days smoke free is such a accomplishment! Congratulations to you!

Quiana, EX Team


Augustus you keep me on my toes! You've already given yourself a spoiler alert that one will hurt, yet you are worried about falling for that old trick just the same! I love it, maybe worry serves you well, but I'm certain that you can never use that excuse again. You know it isn't true, plus you are a quitter now. One step, then the next we get to where we want to be. Thanks for sharing.




To be honest, I would hate to disappoint you, and a few others, who have been unswerving in your support. 

I know what the hurdle is, but the temptation is always there. This has happened before, and yet, I don't seem to understand that NOPE means nope. It's a problem that I simply have to solve in my mind. 

Thank you for being there always--I never take you for granted. 

About the Author
I am a writer, actually a playwright, who is oddly enough, converting one of my plays into a novel. I love to play the guitar and I am part of a group ( The Pine Hill Boys). I'm also an avid golfer, fly fisherman, and cross country skier. I have two Master's Degrees--one in American Studies, and the other in Administration/Supervision. I was in education for many years. I'm still an adjunct ( for fun) at a community college. Love it.