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Share your quitting journey

136 days! Wow I can blog on my kindle!

2 9 40
Didn't expect to be able to blog I just tried leaving a comment on a blog and it worked I can't believe it I have no idea why it would not work before but hey ...hi.... it is nice to be back! I am now out of NML sort of .....I used NRT'S so I was on nicotine longer than the ppl who quit cold turkey so I am thinking maybe NML is further away for me i am still having quite a few craves. Thanks to everyone here without your support I would never have made it this far.
9 Comentarios

Congratulations and welcome back, how wonderful to "see" you.  NML is really just a guideline, nothing magical happens on day 131 with or without NRT's, it's kind of like having a two year old in their "terrible twos" and you think they are going to get better when they turn three.  Craves will come and go but they will not come as often or with the same strength.  You are doing GREAT!  


We left a light on for you!  Glad you got back.

Keep adding those days.....the craves should start being further and further apart.  Just get through them by staying busy......



Hi Bonnie glad to see you , I missed you.

Congratulations on 136 days of freedom !  Yeeeee haaaaaawwwww


Good to see you back on the bloggies.

Hi Bonnie!! Welcome back...I've missed your enthusiasm and spirit :-). Craves are part of quitting so all is good. Focus on all the positives!!

I am very happy for you.  We love you and need you here!  I too worry that NML may be longer for me because I am doing the "medical" 3 step patch quit, and am part of a clinical trial.  so I did 28 days of 21mg patch, did 14 mg patch and now working thru 7 mg patch.  sticking with the plan tho.   And So proud of you for   did I read that right???  136 DAYS!!!!    yay Bonnie!


Yay, yay, yay and yay again, I have missed you, we all have missed you. You are definitely rocking your forever quit N.O.P.E and N.E.F and  ((((HUGS)))

Marilyn ☺ 


HeyBonnie Good to see you .  Yeah 136 away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Congrats on 136 days! 

Acerca del autor
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .