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Share your quitting journey

12 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes and 37 seconds

0 4 12
Yes, I am counting down like that because it makes me feel accomplished...or something. HA!

Today is better than yesterday, pacing the floors, having my spouse blow his 3 pack a day habit in my face, (HOW RUDE!) but he says how proud he is of me. Oh, and lets not forget, chomping on all the gum I could get my hands on. lol. It was a trying day but I succeeded. I kept staring at that pack of his, and many times I found myself even auto-reaching for it, now isn't that something. Had to slap my own hand and tell myself, "hey girl don't you remember you quit?"

I read AGAIN many pages of Allen Carr's book, Easy Way to Stop Smoking...It is kinda a comfort to me. In addition, I journaled like a mad woman. Did hard labor in the yard and in the house too. I am sore this morning, nothing an Alieve wont cure.

I don't want to be fixated on smoking all the time. It drives me up the wall. What a stupid addiction! Actually I am mad at it for invading & taking up my space in my head. I dont like taking Chantix because I wanna do this alone; however, I know I need the aide of medication to get through the toughest part so I will take it as prescribed.

If I am coming off a little bitchy this morning I apologize, maybe I am. I am using breathing techniques to calm myself and take the pangs away. It is being on the compuuter that makes me want a smoke more than ever so I will cut this short...

Chris, you're doing great! I also used Chantix to help with my quit. I just couldn't do it without it. My nerves felt like they were jumping out of my skin. I would tell hubby to keep his ciggerettes put away so they are not near you. When I quit, it seemed the first 2 months I kept grabbing for where I used to keep my ciggs. Glad they were not there!

Keep up the good work!
This will make you laugh. I cannot chew gum. I'm a retarded gum chewer. I forget which way my jaw is moving and every time I chew gum, I accidently bite my cheek. So I don't chew gum. In fact I'm terrified of it. Haha! You've got that right. Smoking is a stupid addiction. But I promise you that your feeling of wanting to climb the walls will subside. If quitting was easy, more people would do it. I for one, am glad that quitting sucks. I hope I never have to go through a quit again. I hated mine.
Soon you will be free, it will come in bits, but it is marching toward you. I am loving how wonderful it is to be smoke free. And I think Edith makes a great point, if quitting was easy, it would be much harder to stay stopped.

Feel proud of what you have accomplished so far Cris.

Would it help to start listing the positive things you are experiencing by not smoking? Are you starting to notice you are breathing better yet? How much money have you saved? Have you thought about how you are going to save that? Are you noticing any good changes in your sense of smell or taste?

I figure half pieces of Nicorette gum then cinammon gum - TONS of cinammon gum - saved me!!! Funny thing happened the other night. My husband smokes occasionally cigars. We were sitting on the deck and he had just lit a cigar. I said you know its pretty amazing - on Becomeanex there is this lady I talk with every day - she is recovering from a stroke - I find her really inspiring. A few moments later he had gotten up and was going towards the back door. I said "Where are you going?" - he said "I decided I don't feel like a cigar after all". The funny part of this story is that I wasn't paying any attention at all to his cigar. I was just telling him a story. Have a wonderful day!!! You are doing great!!!!!