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Share your quitting journey

104 days have come and gone. I have remained.

1 14 90

I can't say it enough...Thank you! Thank all of you for being there for me. Whether I was in good spirits or barely making sense in my blogs. You have all been there. I truly believe that this time I will stay quit! My husband is on board with the lifestyle change, and my mother is talking with her doctor about her options to start her quit. My emotional state is much better than it was in the beginning of this journey. However, I still am feeling depression off and on. At this point, I know it is not from the lack of nicotine. I am experiencing change in my life, at all angles, change. I have decided to ride the wave of change, and embrace the challenge. I know where I was 104 days ago, but 104 days from now I have no clue where I will be. I know I will not be a smoker! But, as for what, when, where I might be...the sky is the limit. I can't decide whether to go back to school, or possibly open a yoga studio? I have been very inspired by my ups and downs. As the saying goes, "I have reached the  high end of low." So, I know I'm on the upswing! Eventually, things will feel normal. I pray. Peace and Namaste-Mrs. Brock

14 Comentarios

Congratulations on 104 days.  It is great to embrace life on life terms, makes living easier.  Have a great day. 


You definitely have a winner's attitude... Well, that makes sense- you're a winner! Congratulations on 104 DOF!!!

Congratulations on your 104 days of freedom! Awesome blog! The sky is the limit...when the time is right, your answer will appear and you will know....until then I pray. Life is a series of changes, oppertunities and growth. Faith is knowing we are where we need to be at the moment and trusting the future will unfold as it should. Thanks for sharing, Im right there with you at a crossroad. Ive already gone back to school. Now Im not sure if I want to continue to pursue that path. Like you, I pray. I have faith, when the time is right I will have my answer and I will know...and so will you. WTG on your awesome 104 days of freedom!

You are doing fantastic! Congratulations on 104 days! Whatever happens, you will have money that is not going up in smoke to help finance it! Keep moving forward!

I Won't Quit on m y Quit!


A lot of folks treated periods of depression with cigarettes.  We have to learn new ways of dealing - or talk to our doctors about it.  I am sure yoga helps - but might you take a brisk walk. too?  I find that always makes my mood lighter.

Congratulations on 104 days! 



Congratulations on 104 days, and on your winning attitude. A lot of people refer to quitting as a journey. With lots of emotional ups and downs, self-discovery. and learning new ways to cope with all that life throws at you without turning to smoking. This takes awhile. And in the end, as long as you stay committed to NOPE, NEF, and SINAO, you will begin to grow and prosper from your new freedom. Sounds like you have a great attitude. Hang in there. The emotional upheaval may take longer than you originally anticipated, but it should smooth out over time.


Congratulations on your 104 days, change is not easy but it can be wonderful, if you do as you say and "ride the wave"...there are always going to be ups and downs in life, that's what makes it interesting.  You sound like you are really growing and that's wonderful.  

So happy for you as you journey on as a nonsmoker!


you make me smile.  You have been a role model for your family.  I have two family members and a close friend who are preparing to quit smoking also.  It's a good feeling, isn't it?  I'm glad to be along for your ride as you have been for mine 😉




Congrats on your 104 DOF!!! Namaste!


"Embrace the challenge..." - Love it! Congrats on 104 days! 


Thanks Jackie, PennyLynn, Dotgirl, Terrie, Nancy, NewMe:), Elvan, Lori, Dale, and Anna! I am very grateful for all of you! Yes, I will be praying for strength and patience. Agh, might as well through in motivation! I am struggling with that one! 


You too Strudel! I was blogging duringyour blog! Didn't want to leave you out!


As long as you continue to embrace the challenge of change, you will coninue to grow in all directions and even the sky won't be your limit.  I admire that pluck.  Keep it up!