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100 Things to do instead of smoke

78 142 13.7K

There has been a lot of "talk" about what to do when the urge strikes. This is a list of 100 things - you can add your own if you'd like!  I'm thankful to the person who wrote it. Read thru them you may find a thing or 2  that hits you just right!

  1. Read a book.
  2. Wash the car.
  3. Wash the dog.
  4. Go for a walk.
  5. Knit a scarf.
  6. Do a crossword puzzle.
  7. Take a nap.
  8. Call a friend.
  9. Post a comment on my page
  10. Play with the cat.
  11. Turn the bathroom into a spa and do all those beauty treatments.
  12. Listen to a relaxation tape or some favorite music.
  13. Go to a store and get a free make-up session.
  14. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure.
  15. Try out a new hair-do
  17. Go to the movies.
  18. Hang out at a mall.
  19. Do a jigsaw puzzle online at
  20. Breathe deeply!
  21. Swig down some ice water.
  22.  Jump on a treadmill or go to a gym.
  23. Give someone you love a huge hug.
  24. Plant some flowers.
  25. Do some exercise - swimming, aerobics, yoga, etc. Great for releasing endorphins (feel good factor) and relieving stress (physical and mental).
  26. Work out how to post a picture in the forum!
  27. Take up a new hobby/interest - channel your thoughts into something constructive and interesting.
  28. Work in the garden.
  29. Retail therapy with the cash you saved from not smoking.
  30. Suck on a piece of TART candy (Jolly Rancher is my personal favorite).
  31. Slather on a rich, creamy hand lotion and rub, rub, rub! It keeps fingers busy, and reminds you how nice it is not to have tobacco stink on them.
  32. Eat a popsicle.
  33. Floss and brush your teeth.
  34. Make-out with your special someone! Hubby hated kissing me when I smoked, but now he LOVES it. Soooo, when the urge strikes and he's within kissing distance, I plant a big one on him!
  35. Chew gum.
  36. Chew a toothpick (shiny teeth).
  37. Spend time with a kid.
  38. Give yourself a treat every day of your quit - not matter how small.
  39. Spend an hour filling the paddling pool in the garden on a gorgeous sunny day, only to find that the kids would rather play on the computer.
  40. Play several games of Internet Scrabble, and hopefully win one!
  41. Walk in an old graveyard with the man you love.
  42. Get your jammies on early, and park yourself in front of your computer for the night.
  43. Build a REAL closet
  44. Hang the sheetrock on said closet.
  45. Do the mudding, taping and sanding on that closet.
  46. Paint the closet.
  47. Add the doors to the closet.
  48. And last...when the real closet is finished, create THE CHOCOLATE CLOSET on this site.
  49. Hang on dearly to a caramel apple sucker.
  50. Sing loudly.
  51. Practice smiling in the mirror (releases endorphins)!
  52. Make lists of pros and cons of smoking.
  53. Find gross smoking disease pictures.
  54. Play with Silly Putty.
  55. Whistle "Don't Worry - Be Happy."
  56. Get a camera, and take some pictures.
  57. Write a letter (you know...on paper).
  58. Clean OUT the closets.
  59. Crank up the radio and sing at the top of your lungs (works great for driving craves).
  60. Crank up the radio and dance like no one is watching.
  61. Make a puzzle.
  62. Organize your boxes of pictures.
  63. Alphabetize your CD rack.
  64. Come here and read and post.
  65. Go to and PLAY GAMES.
  66. Do your nails. Hard to smoke with wet nails. I've tried.
  67. Take a shower.
  68. Take a candle-lit bath.
  69. Clean out a messy drawer.
  70. Take a day trip.
  71. Try making home-made candles or soap.
  72. Run in place.
  73. Do some jumping jacks.
  74. Start a reward fund - put away the amount you spend on smokes every day and use it to treat yourself once in awhile.
  75. Write a poem.
  76. Go antique shopping.
  77. Go plant a flower for every negative thought.
  78. Go to church/talk to God.
  79. Let your husband cook supper for you.
  80. Call your Grandmother!
  81. Paint a room.
  82. Eat a hot fudge sundae.
  83. Go play mini-golf.
  84. Clean the basement or garage.
  85. Wax the car.
  86. Make love with your significant other.
  87.  Scrub the floor.
  88. Treat yourself to a massage.
  89. Chop up some veggies for a stir-fry - keep your hands busy!
  90. Clean out the litter box.
  91. Check your car's tire pressure.
  92. Call a radio show and request a song.
  93. Go ride a few rollercoasters.
  94. Take a walk in nature.
  95. Watch the sun set.
  96. Write a goodbye letter to cigarettes
  97. Donate blood.
  98. Color your hair.
  99. Make a greeting card.
  100. Write a list of things you are grateful for
142 Comentarios
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for the list it has given me things I can do even disabled.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Katrndisabled Glad you found the list, that it was helpful and there are things that you can do. Remember, you aren't your disAbility. 😀 🤗


I drive for a living so majority of the list is useless for me


@Welcome to the Ex.     You don't have to do everything on this list.  There are things on here I would have no interest in doing.    You might want to take another look.  There are definitely things you can do while driving.

16, 30, 32, 35, 36, 50, 59, 91 and I used Sour Patch Kids and chewed on straws--kept both in my car at all time, 

17 Simple Ways To Entertain Yourself On A Long Car Ride (Fun Ideas!)

There's plenty of choices.  You can drive and quit smoking, 

If you haven't quit yet, pick a date and read material on the site to learn how to quit.  We're here to support you.




I like #96. I got some things I would like to get off my chest! Lol

Community Manager
Community Manager

#48. The chocolate closet! Outstanding but I'd keep eating the framing!


Start date tomorrow, here we go again , I pray I win this time , I'm sick of having trouble breathing


@Melissam79 Welcome.  Suggesting you post to my Journal to introduce yourself and receive great support from the community.

Look forward to celebrating your big day tomorrow.



I think I would like to try doing yoga again. Maybe even start knitting. I already know how to crochet.



Great suggestions to create distractions 


Love the list.  Thanks!


to take a nap

work in the garden



Community Manager
Community Manager

@eia1879 👋

@eia1879 wrote:


I like a lot of the suggest I'm going to walk my dog early. Clean some closet out, cleaning my room  thank u because I'm tired of smelling like cigarette smoke


A nap,and depends breathes help.


My daughter has been really helpful lately walling the dogs with me


Love the list


#74 . I currently smoke almost two pks a day 😞 Wow!!! I could go on vacation with the kids in a year lol but all of these ideas are GREAT. 


There are so many great ones that I can’t choose just one 


To be honest most of the things on this list I all ready do. The funny thing is after I do them I smoke.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@sgtkwatkins Then pick a couple. Change up your routine.
@Jocduncan Maybe pick some different things you don't do from the list and commit to not smoking afterwards. What are ways you can do things differently where you don't end things with a cigarette?


This is great and I will refer to this list often. Thank you for making it! My quit date is in 5 days and I am getting excited.


Hope it will be like that for me!


@powellterri931 Welcome to the Ex.  Glad you found us.  Please consider posting to Journal/Blogs so the community can get to know you and provide support.

Look forward to celebrating with you on 1st.



I love every single one of those I will be doing 104 things it seem all in one day lol thank you for lifting my spirit 


I clean, also last night did my hair,  just keeping busy  is helping me.


I cut straw's in half and chew on them when the urge gets bad 😔 


This is a cool, proactive and creative resource. I have written in my journal majority of the list. I have been Journaling daily, chewing gum and swapping with halls. My jaws are hurting with my dependency on gum, which is why I must be consistent with switching up through the day with halls, and I will be purchasing some sugar free pepperments, and buttermints today. I am definitely going to purchase cinnamon flavored tooth picks. I'm afraid and nervous to try the idea of chewing on straws as it may tempt me to go a step further away from my staying quit. Even though I get the concept of satisfying the mouth to hand habit. My hand is starting to hurt due to all my writing in my journal; therefore, I will blend in my day to start painting, crafts, crossword puzzles and relaxation projects at home without due dates or with a no rush due date, 😆 as a continuous journey. I'll keep you posted 📫 


Continue.......This is a cool, proactive and creative resource.

Projects at home without due dates or with a no rush due date, 😆 Our room down stairs need quite a bit of love in which I will tackle with floors, paint, sealing, puddy and etc. 4 rooms dont have curtains, blinds, or valances and this opens the door to make my own diy Roman blinds and valances. I really like taking pictures of the present which i will i use my cannon camera instead of phone. Im a doodler, so getting into drawing and splattering will be exciting, reading books I typically go to sleep as I am a busy body so once I stop I'm sleep due to exhaustion, however, I will start reading by reading a chapter per day just as quit smoking is a day at a time, I shall read a day at a time, and Priority at day break is to worship, pray, listen to God and study one day at a time..... I'll keep you posted and perhaps drop some photos 📸 



  • I use to do the same thing but I used coffee stirrers. It helped tremendously while I was working. Keep up the good work to you and all exers. This is a wonderful place to be and or to come when things are getting tough. If I can quit anyone can. My best to all




decent vehicle 


Lessoning smoking helps energy


This is awesome and I love 34❤️


@Wembleychic Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your upcoming quit.  Reach out if you need some support.

Stay close and stay busy.



I love number 64 cuz it just gave me many ideas. 
I also love number 16. I’m gonna pick a less fortunate child for Christmas and work to help Santa Clause to make it a special Christmas. 
I could go on of my ideas from your list,but one step at a time:). 


Word searches 


Definitely some useful information. Great ideas 


Def some helpful suggestions on the list. I kno for me it's for sure a must to find something, no matter what it is to keep my mind occupied and off of wanting to light that next one up. 


Will stop smoking 


I like the one with the deep breathing. There's nothing like replacing smoke with fresh air!


@Shalom_1982 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your upcoming quit.  Here's a visual you might find helpful.   I still use it. Read lots of material on the site as you prepare for your quit. Knowledge about nicotine addiction and having a quit plan in place has made the difference for many quitters.


Consider posting to My Journal/Blog to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 26th.



My favorite is #74!


@BocaMike Absolutely,  It really works.  Some quitters save up for a particular event, like vacation.  I still save my cigarette money after 5 years, but I spend it for what I want or need.  I just treated  myself for my 5 year anniversary to a chauffeured driven car to a concert.   Something I would never have done otherwise.  It was great fun.

Welcome to Ex.   Congrats on making a decision to quit.



Great ideas!!


Thanx for the long list of tools


I love the list it shows us we can do anything for cravings ... Very helpful..

                            Thanks a lot Karen Dowell


Great list. Number 20 is what I do most often. It's great to be able to do and not cough.