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Share your quitting journey

100 SMOKE FREE days behind me

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Good morning! First off I want to Thank everyone for all the inspiration and support I needed to be able to stay on track. I couldn't have done it without you. 100 SMOKE FREE days are now behind me. I won't say it's been easy cuz it hasn't and some days I still really struggle but the nicotine demon isn't going to win. There were times the nicotine demon had me thinking about why am I denying myself the one thing I know would take the strong craving away. Maybe one would taste bad and I'd quit wanting one. The list goes on. You have all given me enough information to know that is all really stupid thinking and it's the addiction trying to wear me out. I did not gain this weight and go through this struggle to start over. This is going to be my forever quit!

 My co-worker who started out strong lost out to self justification which worried me as I had lots of those thoughts myself. I felt bad for her as she has gained 30 lbs in 4 months and to be honest I probably would have gone back to smoking if I had that much weight gain. She had an easy time quitting for the first 6 to 8 weeks then something changed. She was feeling really bad and embarrassed that she lost her quit. I told her she just needs to get back on the horse. She had used patches. I had 23 in a box still left since I decided not to use them and just go cold turkey so I brought them into work and put them on her desk and said set your date as you only are a failure if you quit trying. I said I'll donate to the cause. She said she wants to be a non-smoker and will be starting her journey soon. I had given her the info for this site but she never took the time to use it. It is all the information on this site that has kept me smoke free. We've had 2 deaths in the family this month and both times I could have lost my quit if I didn't know what you have all taught me. I stood by my brother-in-law yesterday at the visitation and smelled the smoke from his cigarette. I was hoping it would smell bad as it was the first time I was next to someone smoking since I quit. It smelled good and for a moment I thought just one drag would be so good. Then the word NOPE came into my head and I walked away instead feeling good about my decision. You could see smokers trying to find ways to escape the funeral home without others seeing to go get their fix and I was so glad I wasn't dealing with that. It was also great knowing I could hug someone and know I didn't stink of smoke. I always thought I had a good sence of smell but it has gotten so much better since I quit. If someone walks in who just had a smoke I can barely believe how bad they stink. I never want to be that person again. I'm trying to figure out how outside smoking my brother-in-laws smoking wasn't offensive but once he walked inside the smell was really bad.

I am very happy to have 100 days behind me but I wish I felt thrilled to be a non-smoker. I talked to an old friend last week who said I'll get there. She told me she was miserable for the first 2 years quitting and was always jealous of smokers. She said she woke up one day and could honestly say she was happy to be a non-smoker. She doesn't know what caused that to happen but it did. I remember the first year she was in tears a lot. I told her if she can do it then I will just copy her and wait for my day to come. She has lost the weight she had gained and lots more and looked great. She used to work where I did and moved about 8 months ago. I couldn't believe how she had transformed. She looked happy and was in better shape then she ever has been in. That just reinforced everything I learned here.

To anyone just starting their quit my advice is to read everything that is available here. If I can quit smoking anyone can quit. Learn all you can - set your date and join the Non-Smoker's Club. It will be the best thing that can happen to your health and pocketbook!!!

Day 101 is off to a good start. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

11 Comentarios

Thanks for that post. It does soooooo help to read all I can about those who are succeeding! I feel reassured that the wanting to smoke may take that much time to really disappear. In the mean time I am very happy at each occasion when I don't have to go outside to smoke. Such a relief!

Have a great day, Karen


Well, congratulations on your three digit milestone!  And thank you again for your story here, it sure just helped me as these deamons will just not leave me alone, but then someone like you pops up and offers help.....

Thank you 🙂

Hey Roxie, first off congratulations on the hundred days!! That is such a major accomplishment! I am very happy for you. You said a lot of things in your posted touch me. One was that your girlfriend said that she had always been jealous of other smokers. I had felt a while back that I was pretty much a non-smoker, and content in that. But I realize that I am still jealous of other smokers. I don't crave, hardly ever. But there are certain things that you said about her that rang a bell. I guess I still need to try hard to stay on track, with my 108 days, and continue to try hard and visit the site every day, to protect my Quit. Today, I'm going to just be content in helping you celebrate your 100 days! Congratulations once again!

Roxie.....a GREAT, BIG ROYAL CONGRATS to you on entering the TDC club!     Your blog was touching and honest.     I get that you have times when you think of smoking....I still do at 264 days....but they are few and far between.    And there are so many more days where I don't even think about smoking.      Remind yourself of those and I bet you will see that they accumulate!        Keep doing what you're doing.    And keep being a messenger of the Quit Forever journey!       It will help you and you never know who else it may help!

Celebrate YOU!!!

Stay strong.

Sharon    264 days of Freedom!!!


Fantastic News.. just keep walking one step at a time.


Congratulations, Roxie, on 101 fabulous smoke-free days!  Keep on rationalizing through the urges and temptations.  No Man's Land is a tough place to be but you'll get through it.  You worry about thinking too much about smoking and then one day you realize you're not thinking about it nearly as much.  Hang in there and it will just get better and better!!!


Welcome to the TDC sister!! You are ROCKIN this quit! I am so proud of us! 🙂 Huge congratulations!! 🙂


Thanks everyone! I think I better do an add on to that 2 year statment. Sorry I just realized how that could scare anyone. This lady who said that had lots of moments in life that her cigarettes were her only friend. She viewed them as her life line. I didn't think she would ever be truly happy with or without smoking with where she was at with her life. She had lots of things going on and for her to show up looking Fabulous and being truly happy about everything showed me what can happen if you don't give up. Another friend of mine said it took her only about 6 months to get to that point. It is different for everyone. It wasn't happening for my friend and I was scared that if that point never happened for my friend maybe it didn't exist for everyone. The point of that comment was that it does happen for everyone. For some it could be a couple weeks and in this lady's case it did take 2 years but her demons were more than the nicotine ones. Sorry about my bad wording. I didn't mean to discourage anyone and should have clarified things better. I truly believe for most people it takes a lot less time. I like to know the best case and the worst case cuz I always think for me it will be in the middle somewhere.


What impressed me is the POWER of N.O.P.E.! 

You're doing just Great and Yes, the day will come when you are totally 100% HAPPY to be an EXer! No jealousy here, ever! You're still in NML and are still gettiing to know your New Normal! That's a challenge and not always comfortable. But when yu're living the New Normal 100% you EXperience abundant Addiction FREE LIFE! 

Just kepp stacking those days - it will happen!


Roxie - Congrats on 100 days!! You are doing just fine - because you are thinking before you act! You will reach that place when you will totally realize the gift you have given yourself by quitting! I think getting to that place takes time and it takes work. You are doing the staying connected here, by thinking through the smoking thoughts, and by the self talk of NOPE! Keep that up - and you will not regret it! (Make a promise to yourself right now to get back here if you ever have any difficulty at all - BEFORE anything hapens!)

Congrats again!


Congratulations...great job!!