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$10 bucks a day

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I used to spend at least $10 a day on ecigs.

On  my way to the train I’d walk into the smoke shop and I’d get a cherry blu ecig.

On most days I’d walk into the shop and the owner would automatically take the cherry blu ecig from the shelf behind him and place it on the counter in front of me. I had him well trained.

i stopped on Sept 27th and 9 pm... tomorrow will be 4 weeks.

what I’ve done for the past 27 days is transfer $10 into an investment account I have with the app Acorns. I’m up to $270 saved. I just transferred $10 before writing this blog entry.

On my 1 year anniversary God willing I’ll have invested $3650. That’s a lot of money NOT spent on poison.

Thank you all for your constant support.

It’s the support that has made this quit different. It’s the different between life and death and life and breath.

All the best to each and everyone of you.


day 27 DOF


Exvape that is fantastic, I hope you plan a big treat for yourself to celebrate your 1 year anniversary from that acorn account....yahoooooo!!!!!


I am so happy you have taken action to keep your savings separate.  Wish I had done that!  I would have about $17,885 - and what quite a few trips I could enjoy with that!  I DO treat myself from time to time on special things I would not have bought/done when I smoked, but seeing that lump sum grow would have been empowering.

When you are having a rough spot, take a moment to dream what YOU might do with it!


I think that is WONDERFUL that you're doing that!! 

I quit one time, before there were so many apps available, & weekly I put the cash I'd saved into a box that I'd taped shut (so I couldn't invade it for 'necessities' that I didn't need so much when I was buying cigarettes).  At the end of the year I had enough for one 1/2 fares on a non-smoking cruise ship!!  And yes, I did it.  

And then started smoking again for some reason, after the cruise... like a dodo I thought I was cured and could have just one or two.  

But I'm back now, 7+ years smoke free.  I should have been doing the same thing again, I'd have over 22,0000.  saved up.  And so will you!!


Great Job!


You are doing super Exvape and such a great inspiration and help to the site...whoa...on money saved...

Congratulations on 27 days of Freedom...super job...Happy Thursday ~ Colleen 325 DOF 


Good for you, that's awesome and the fact that you are putting it aside makes it all the more awesome, good for you!  CONGRATULATIONS.



You are doing super fantastic with your awesome quit journey YAY for each and every Day WON YAY for each and every dollar.....


Wow great ideal to save that smoking money! I wish I would have done that too.  I am sure that really helps keep that motivation going seeing that money add up.  Keep up the great work and congratulations on 27 DOF.


Thank you!


48 minutes away from 4 weeks nicotine free.

Thank God and this site and all the wonderful people here who provide daily support.


It's support that was the key to my longevity.  Support is why I have a 13 year quit.  You're gonna be richer than you ever dreamed in a year.  Freedom is better than money saved.  Kudos on your almost month free.  


Congratulations that is a great accomplishment!  You got this!

- Michelle


Haven’t see you around Exvape ... are you ok? Hoping you are living life...check in when you get a chance...miss ya...Colleen 330 DOF