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Share your quitting journey


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I quit smoking ten years ago. I had believed I was going to be the last smoker standing, that it was going to be too, too difficult for ME to quit....until a vascular surgeon apprised me of the consequences of continuing that were more frightful than quitting.

I found a GP whose specialty was smoking cessation, replacing the one I had gone to for years who had been ZERO help when I asked for advice. He said, “slap on a patch, get some celery sticks and you will be good to go.” I had called our State quit line with a question and got a bored, uninformed person. I could actually HEAR them turning pages in a binder. They finally gave me an INCORRECT answer that even I knew was wrong. There was little good information available at that time, My new doctor had actually helped to create this site. He told me about it, prescribed Chantix and told me I was to quit in 10 days, WHAT???!@!

I had forgotten about this site until three days into my attempt and without my daughter to rescue me with Angry Birds to keep my mind and hands busy, I probably would have failed. I had mistakenly decided to use a Hershey Kiss to quell craves and that worked until I became sick from too much chocolate (yes, I discovered, there IS such a thing!).

When I remembered this site I read everything I could find. I understood from the book by Allen Carr that nicotine is an addiction, both physical AND psychological. I didn't know that. I credit my success in large part on my first and only attempt with the knowledge I gained from that book and the support and knowledge gained here. I read the postings by folks who had been successful. I used the valuable tips found here, and was rescued from failure by one of the elders at around Day 108 (118?).

.There is a lot of credit to go around for my success, but I believe a large part of it was also my decision that I was not going to smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT. I never argued with myself about it; it was simply no longer an option. I honored that decision each and every day going forward and here I am....HAPPY to no longer be a smoker!

I wish it for ALL here! I promise it is worth ALL you go through to achieve it.



About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.