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Share your quitting journey

1 yr ago today

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One year ago on this day I embarked on a life changing journey. I was taking Chantix and I stopped smoking. I had come to this site before, when I was considering quitting and lurked but I never made it to the blogs, only to the steps and I skimmed over that. So, my first quit day I was all freaky and somehow ended up here at Ex. I made it to these blogs. I figured out how to write one about my first day, and I was so overwhelmed and astonished at the response and the amout of support. That got me through the day, something I'd never ever done, quit without ever taking another puff.

Well, I did really well, then I came to a fork in the road. I relapsed. it's easy to sit and say you can choose not to do that when you are in a great place in your quit. I was there and I know that feeling too. But, I did make a choice and it was based on some deep emotions that I hadn't dealt with. I am not an expert on addiction, but I do know enough that our emotions have a lot to do with the success and failure. I don't really drink, and I don't take any drugs,,my drug of choice,,my escape was to go to my little place and smoke,,hide away. I figured this out, in fact I struggled with what I was doing, because I truly hated the stinky smokes. I have a self destructive side that is like that little voice that says go ahead just one, no one will know. I did, and no one did know because I am alone most of the time anyways. I knew! That was why I struggled. I could feel the nicotine and it's effects on me. The drug was so instant. I know for sure, no doubts at all now, that one puff  will take me down.

Again, this was the first time I had ever quit for more than one day in my entire smoking career. When I look back over this year, regrets? Hmm,,maybe, maybe not. I had to learn some things, get them right in my head and in my life. I don't have to hide,,(you can run but you can't hide) LOL  Facing the things that I was escaping from were so front and center recenly and they seemed so magnified,,that's the trouble with escapism.

It has been a hell of a year, and no matter what I will not discount one single day. I went to the other side and back twice. I am back into my 4th week, but in 365 days I did not smoke 330 days,,( during my 49 day relapse I quit on my own for 15 days) I did not smoke every single day,,like I said, I struggled with , not just smoking, but the real issues in my life,,emotions. I would elaborate on that part, but it is personal issues and I am happy to say that I am dealing with them and little by little things are getting much better.

I am proud of My Year, MY Journey. It may not seem perfect to someone else, but it is so much better than anything I have ever done in my past! I am so grateful that I found this place and I never would have made it through one week without you all,,I honestly believe that! This place Rocks!

Not One Puff Ever   N.O.P.E.


12 Comentarios

congratulations on making it to one year... looking forward to joineing you


Diane, Congrats on 4 weeks!  Knowledge is power.  The fact that you were able to quit again is a huge accomplishment!  Glad you have been able to figure out what you most associated with your addiction.  I too did that and I think thats a main reason we can be successful this time around.  We've seen both sides of the track and we choose this side - the non-smoking side.  I never thought I could say that I honestly love being a non-smoker.  I think you feel the same.  


Diane you are so right I think the hardest thing about quitting is getting the right mind set. I have tried to quit many times but always thought I could be an occasional smoker but I now realize I an one puff away from a pack a day. you are a real inspiration to me hope you have a great smoke free day.


Wow, you have so much to be proud of Diane!  330 non smoking days, that is so awesome, and back in the saddle again, You Rock!  It is a journey and I'm so glad you are a part of it here on this ex site.  I know you can identify with many people here and that's what makes you so very special.  Thanks for being you Diane! 


Hey Diane,  What inspires me is the way you dusted yourself off and got back in the saddle. Not in an instant, but thoughtfully and with dignity. There is an important lesson for us all here.  One day quit, or 5 yrs.    Thanks so much for sharing these thoughts on this post  George


Diane,congratulations on 4 weeks of being smoke free.  You are such a tremendous help and inspiration here for us all.   Have a wonderful day.


Diane, 4 weeks is awesome!!!  Not to mention 330 days smoke free this year.  Thats something to be very proud of girl!  Thank you for sharing your journey on this blog.  I feel I can relate alot to your posts and it really helps me get perspective on my own issues.  Be strong, you've got this!! 


I am proud of you for facing your inner struggles and finding the power to get back into your quit! You inspire a lot of hope in folks who have quit umpteen times and really mean it this time! I'm so grateful to "know" you and to have spent these past months learning from you! Thank You for your honest and compelling testimony!


Diane,  I admire you for your honesty and the way you inspire others!  I can relate, as you well know!  I'm at the stage in my quit where I, too am dealing with issues that have surfaced that were totally unexpected, and am in the throes of deciding whether to start smoking again, and deal with the issue, or to try to deal with those issues smoke-free.  It is a conscious decision, at least for me.  I know that smoking will not change the issues and the issues definately have to be dealt with.  I keep coming back to the whole idea of "I don't want to go through this again!" LOL....was your second quit as difficult as the first, on the emotional side of things?  I'm so grateful you made the ultimate choice to quit again, and come back here and share your wisdom and experience with all of us!  You are GREAT!




Hey, Diane!  Good for you!  I relapsed too.  I am quit again since Nov. 1st.  Loving It!!!  You are so right.  It was emotions that got to me too.  I just gave up.  One year later (I quit before Nov 22nd) and I am quit again.  I know our bodies are still so much better off for not smoking during the time we didn't.  Starting cleaner I hope.  God Bless you!



Hey girl, you have been my inspiration since the day I met you!! Your journey may have not been perfect so far but we got faith in you girl....  today is a special day for you. One year ago you started this journey!!!! You do rock Diane!!

Lots of hugs, Kat


I hope everyone appreciates the fact that this blog gave "no excuses" and BOY---you had a BIG ONE if there was ever to be one!!!

I was trying to decide if we should note the day and I am so glad (BUT NOT SURPRISED!!) that you had the COURAGE to do so.

You're doing great my friend---and your struggle serves to inspire others.