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Share your quitting journey

01/01/09 Here we go again!

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Hello again all,

I haven't been on because while I did make it through the first 24 hours, I slipped BAD the next day. I felt so weak! Tried to get right back on track, but just couldn't seem to get the gumption up again. So....I talked to a doc and got a Chantix Rx. Filled it yesterday, started it today, and set my quit date for 1/8. I am NOT giving up on it this time. Funny thing..since I roll my own cigs (anyone else here that did that? Everyone talks about reaching for their "pack", not their pouch lol)..Anyway, since I roll my own, it's going to take like 6 months to just catch up on the cost of the Chantix. As I am a total tightwad, that says how much I want to quit! Only spend about $35/month on tobacco, and the first month of Chantix is costing me $120! I know the long term smoking costs and all you don't need to tell me, that's WHY I am willing to spend the money up front now on my health instead of later on my illness... So wish me luck! I will be stopping in here as I can, but expect to be a bit spacey and want to be able to concentrate on work. I really appreciate the support of everyone one gives you s*** for slipping, just encouragement and advice for moving on from there. Thanks!
you can do this
Good for you for keeping up the effort. Day 1 for me on Chantix today, and it has made a HUGE difference. Don't give up!
Tigs, we are sending good thoughts your way. I just started it today and have my quit date set as 1/11. I am trying to think of ways to make my house smell better besides just candles, so I am trying to be pro-active in my own looney way! Here's hoping and wishing we ALL keep our quit this time! Barb
hey, i took CHANTIX, i only took them for 32 day,s then i did not take them any more because they did exactly what it was supposed to do by maling me want to smoke less, so i just figured that i did not want to spend any more money, when i could just do just about as well with out CHANTIX. any way i have been smoke free for a little over five months, and you will too. hang in there. peace!
Thanks for the support, both of you! I need all the help I can get! The Chantix is actually helping! I tried so many things before, and they ALL seemed to make little difference. So far, the Chantix is different, and working! Keep a good thought for me!
Chantix is a great drug and thank God Pfizer came out with it. I am still doing their getquit and getting their phone calls daily and doing their daily assignments. It has helped me so much just to get those phone calls twice a day and to have to do HOMEWORK that lets me know how bad cigarettes really are. If you aren't doing their program I would suggest that you do. It is another support system. Giving up something, rather a habit that is suppose to be worse to kick then heroin, I am going to take all the support I can get. Best of thoughts coming your way.
Hi again all, yep, the Chantix really helped the nic fits, which is why I always caved before. Not sure why Chantix worked for me there where the actual NRT didn't, but there you are lol. And yes, Claudia, I feel the same way about the support networks; I'll take everything I can get. I am doing the getquit program too. I get the education/homework via emails, and its what I do in the morning instead of staring in to space w/ my coffee and cig to wake up lol.