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Fresh Growth in Winter Season from an Ex Friend

I got such a beautiful gift yesterday I had to share..... My friend Patricia,

IrishRose‌ sent me ~ this garden -outdoorzee woman a very cool plant and it arrives safe and sound. It is Oregano. I have had many Oregano plants in my garden but never this particular variety. It looks sorta like Begonia . Anyway, thanks so much Pat. I adore it and am even getting ready to root a start off of it to be on the safe side.

Love and Hugs~Missy

It's in a bit of shock right now because I was at work when it arrived yesterday , and as you can see out the window, we have that 'WHITE STUFF' but it already is looking much better after being repotted


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Cool, Im gonna try this. I never got any bulbs outside planted yet at this house. Thats on my agenda for 2019


YoungAtHeart , I love crocus too.  Now the daffs, they do fine in the dirt.  Although, the squirrels like digging up stuff, I now  have a red-tailed hawk juvenile that has taken up residency here, so the squirrel population is dwindling. 


SO IrishRose, it is looking MUCH better everyday  Heres proof.....I love it!



Mandolinrain‌ , OH YEAH!!!!!!!  It's looking much, much more happier than the first photo you took.  I did not want to say anything to you then, but that other photo had me a wee bite worried.  That photo showed what it starts looking like when it gets too cold with those dark green leaves, just before it goes into the freeze zone.  I suspect it got kind of cold in route to you, but it looks like it is singing out happiness now.  I am so HAPPY!!!!!  Enjoy it, Dear Friend, it made it to you, and it is in true happy mode now.