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Fresh Growth in Winter Season from an Ex Friend

I got such a beautiful gift yesterday I had to share..... My friend Patricia,

IrishRose‌ sent me ~ this garden -outdoorzee woman a very cool plant and it arrives safe and sound. It is Oregano. I have had many Oregano plants in my garden but never this particular variety. It looks sorta like Begonia . Anyway, thanks so much Pat. I adore it and am even getting ready to root a start off of it to be on the safe side.

Love and Hugs~Missy

It's in a bit of shock right now because I was at work when it arrived yesterday , and as you can see out the window, we have that 'WHITE STUFF' but it already is looking much better after being repotted


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YoungAtHeart‌ , I don't know.  I do not remember seeing any from my grandmother, so I suspect my Mom started doing it when she got married to my Father.  I will ask my brother Kenneth if he knows what the story is behind the turkey bones.  You have my curiosity up now, Lady!

We never had any pets.  Well, I did have a snapping turtle that my brother Eddie got for me, but my Mom made me give it up, so Eddie took it back to where he got it from.  My Mom said he was dangerous.  I kept him in this plastic pan in my bedroom.  Eddie and I would feed him hamburger meat.  My Mom said that he was going to bite my finger off, so she made us get rid of it.

I did have a pet mouse once too, but he got sick and died.  That's what my Mom told me.  I went to my Aunt Betty's house in Long Island to stay for two weeks, and when I got home he was gone.  He was real cool.  My brother Danny gave me him.  He was solid white, no bigger than four inches long (without measuring the tail), and he would run up my arm and sit I my shoulder.  I cried when I got home from Long Island, and he was gone.  I remember that being a real sad time for me.

My Mom did not like cats or dogs, so we never had any when I was growing up.  Now, we were supposed to move to a house, and my Dad took me to his friend's house one day, and he let me pick out a Norwegian Elkhound puppy from a number of little puppies.  We were supposed to go back in six weeks and pick up the puppy after it was weaned.  Before that six weeks were up, all hell broke out, and all I remember was my Mom packing up my Dad's clothes and putting them into Key Food brown bags.  I never got my puppy.  We never moved into the house.  We lost the car.  And, I did not hear or see from my Dad for a number of years.  Another real sad time in my life.  I was really more upset about not getting my puppy than the other things I lost, with the exception of my Dad.  Long story there.  I was around 12 years old when that happened, and in thinking back, my Dad was far from being a very nice person to my Mom and my brothers, and I was kind of glad he was gone, that is, after he was gone.

You guys are gonna start charging me shrink fees.  hahahahaha 


And 12 is about the WORST time for a kid to go through that kind of stuff.  3d crying sad face emoticon

Another great thing about this community is that we all play shrink here.  And shrink ourselves in the process.  It's a beautiful thang!

You COULD have a had a Chia pet at least!


That was a good one, Giulia .  You made me laugh!!!

((((hug)))) for you!


4 and 6 was pretty awful, too!!!


SOOOO beautiful!  It was so wonderful to be young, lovely and in love, wasn't it??!!

You might try letting the hyacinth greens die back, then taking the bulb and putting it in your 'frig for the "winter" in a paper bag.   Take it out in the Spring, repot and put in a warm and sunny place.  I bet you can get it to bloom again!!!


Yes Nancy YoungAtHeart‌, I've saved them prior years, but I froze them, and planted them the next year.  Maybe my planter was too small, or maybe I did not need to freeze the bulbs (even though, at home, we left them in the ground in winter time, so I was sure they froze, yet they came back beautifully next year), but they gave me tons of leaves, but no flowers   As a matter of fact, I still have some in the freezer since this spring, maybe I'll move them in the fridge and try to plant them in the spring.


In the freezer or frig YoungAtHeart ?


Very Sweet pic!

0 Kudos

So glad it reach you alive, Missy.  It will perk up and be smiling back at you.  Just give it a little bit of time, and some TLC. 

Love the view of the snow out the window!


Re:  hyacinth bulbs

Frig!  The ground usually doesn't freeze down to the depth you plant the bulbs.  Do be sure to keep the ugly leftovers around until the leaves die back - they put nutrients back into the bulb.