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Fresh Growth in Winter Season from an Ex Friend

I got such a beautiful gift yesterday I had to share..... My friend Patricia,

IrishRose‌ sent me ~ this garden -outdoorzee woman a very cool plant and it arrives safe and sound. It is Oregano. I have had many Oregano plants in my garden but never this particular variety. It looks sorta like Begonia . Anyway, thanks so much Pat. I adore it and am even getting ready to root a start off of it to be on the safe side.

Love and Hugs~Missy

It's in a bit of shock right now because I was at work when it arrived yesterday , and as you can see out the window, we have that 'WHITE STUFF' but it already is looking much better after being repotted


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Thank you Nancy, I will do that, exactly that, promised!!!

I usually keep the pots with the leftover leaves in the laundry room outside till the leaves are dried up then collect the bulbs, but in the fridge they will go next time I purchase the plant, Thank you!


Well, thank you for that little tid bit of info on the hyacinths.  I will have to try that for sure next Spring, YoungAtHeart .  


Awesome  Missy I don't mind snow in  December and January BUT this year it's going to be a long Winter because the snow came in Oct and has pretty much stayed and with the snow comes the cold with lots of shoveling BUT it's good exercise I'm just hoping Spring comes early this year and doesn't wait until May XO, enjoy the snow it really does look pretty. 


This makes my heart smile.


Giulia , I will feel better when that plant perks up just a wee bit more. 


Its is looking better everyday


Mandolinrain , I am so glad to hear that.  I really want you to enjoy that plant for years and years to come.    

Big (((((HUG))))) for you, My Dear Friend!

0 Kudos

Beautiful Missy.

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Beautiful how love shares and gives abd keeps moving to ALL! Thanks for sharing Missy .... Pics... gifts... and your wonderful lifesyle of N. O. P. E.


You can actually do that with ANY Spring bulb.  I usually plant a big pot with hyacinths, crocus, daffodils and put it in the garage for the winter - not watering.    I bring it in at Christmas, put it in a sunny area, water it, and in a month or so - during the dreariest month known to mankind (February) - I usually will have shoots and even sometimes a crocus or two.  You could probably put the bulbs in the 'frig in a brown paper bag and bring them out, plant them, put them in a sunny but cool window, water them and see what happens.  They like it cool, so you need to find a special place for them after they pop up.