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Any Gardeners out there?

Unknown-1.jpegSpring arrives in 19 days!!!!!!!

This is a nice group I would like to see take off. Its a magical thing to dig in the dirt and watch seeds develop into a thing of beauty. Just trying to stir some interest for this group. 

I am starting / rooting things inside now. A tad early yes, but some of the things I root stay inside to cut from for recipes.

Gardening is fun .....vegetables, flowers, trees...etc.... also a good 'finger busy' activity when your quitting smoking.

If your new at it start with rooting, so easy and fun for kids/grandkids to watch. If you go to the group called GARDENING LOVERS, you can see my last post /blog with some things I started 4 days ago and then a pic of them today!  Happy Almost Spring Everyone!


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I have been looking.  I sent a pm a few days ago. No response. 

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We connected on Facebook Messenger...she said she relapsed and would be back after some soul searching on her own.

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My suggestion re: air plants - they like humidity.  Mist them every day or so.  Talk to them.  Tell them you love them.  Most things respond to love.  Read the Findhorn Garden Book.  Rather astounding.  If you ignore them, pay no attention to them, then suddenly remember what you're supposed to do to take care of them after the fact - you get a plant that will need to be placed in the morgue.  Some plants need a lot of attention.  Just like our quits. Some people need our attention too.   

I know you were kidding, Kristen, just had to add what I did.  I keep finding these things on pieces of dead bark around here that I think are probably epiphytes.  If I can take a picture of one I'll do so and put it up here.  I was thinking about this just the other day.  Why couldn't I simply grow one of these indoors.  They're so interesting to look at.  Not like the ones you buy in stores in their little glass holders, but interesting and unique in their own special way.  I see them all over the place here.  I'll try to put this in my back mind's pocket to take a photo of.  

MichelleDiane will be back.  Once you've gotten so far in your quit - you can't help but come back to EX for more!


Okay, don't laugh...After I am done eating a salad etc. I save the seeds and just stick them into a pot of soil..

On the left in the back row is two  pots with green pepper seeds now front I have two avocado seeds sprouting and then I think I have a lemon tree in one of those pots and maybe a grapefruit seed or apple tree, and to the very right I took two slices of tomatoes and threw them in a pot and covered them with soil and as you see they are growing!!! It's kinda like a garden game show, I forget what I put where and then have to wait and SEE!

I use to have a large herb garden with veggies, but I have gotten lazy and the rosemary took over the entire area.

You can hide a person in there now! LoL


Smiles....and carry on "Green Thumbs" out there!


Well no you got me wondering if I could get a start from a peach seed or if I need to dry it out first?

I just started some ginger from a chunk I bought at the grocery. I never thought it would root, but it tool 2 weeks and now it is growing!


I think I tried the peach seed thingie and it never matured, so I would need to do some research. Also I read to soak the lemon seed(s) first, blah blah blah, but I just poked a hole in the dirt and stuck the seed right into the pot after I cut the lemon and there you have it ! It took awhile but it's beginning to take form.The tomato slices just went crazy after about a week or so....I actually have an apple seed sprouting in the soil of one of my plants on my desk at work!!! LoL

Perhaps I am in the wrong occupation???? hahahahahah.....




Thanks for that info, Irish!

Gyorgy - talk about a green thumb!!!!  Garden Game Show indeed!  What a hoot!


Just out of curiosity, what will you do when the avacado turns into a tree???  It won't winter over if the temp goes down below 25 degrees?  Or are you just going to keep it as a house plant until it outgrows your ceiling?

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Mandolinrain ,  you will have to put wheels on that planter.  hahahahahaha  Giulia‌ , we have a lemon tree.  It stays outside, but if it is going to freeze, we have to load it onto a dolly, and move it to the garage.  UGH!