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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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The sun is an excellent natural medication @RainbowHeart  and I am so happy you were able to get some into your system today as your healing continues ❤️



Me too on the cell phone business!


(Joyce: won'tcha be my neighbor?)

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Good morning . Yesterday was a great day off line . I agree a good thing for all to do time to time . Did so much walking yesterday . Likely four miles and I agree @YoungAtHeart  , it is better than sitting on the computer on one’s butt . It was so spiritually refreshing thanks @indingrl . I needed that .  I agree focusing on the good things and the beautiful things does the trick @Giulia . Keep posting . 
@YoungAtHeart , the arthritis in my hips felt like what you describe before I had mine replaced . Mine barked a lot at night though as well . Hope they ease up for you , or you find the reason they are making a noise if it continues . Maybe swimming soon will help . 
I had lunch at Famosas ( their wonderful roasted tomato bisque soup . It has the most friendly small town atmosphere that’s hard to find in the city . Can’t wait for the patio to open but not yet , more snow forecasted and cold . 


 @ Rainbowheart, enjoy your picnic at the park , what a great idea to pack a lunch and enjoy the warmth of the sun and nature .  I continue to move as best able one day at a time and always no smoke in hand 🙂 


Well, hello everyone.  Just popping in to let you know that I am still moving.  Walking, Raking, Exercising with the seniors and having fun at it.  This morning, I had to push myself to complete 2 miles. but got it done.  I hope you are all well.  holler if you need me. 


Hello dear friend @JACKIE1-25-15 

Good to hear from you thank you and good job moving too

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We need you @JACKIE1-25-15  keep us moving 🙂  



Good to see you!  Better still to hear you are still moving!

I did 45 minutes on a different wooded trail today.  Rails to Trails has converted several in my area; did one today.  We thought we saw a Cedar Waxing in a tree in my yard the other day; heard one today on the trail.  Now I have confirmed they are around so I guess I'm not seeing things.

Came home and cleaned the second floor and the main bathroom.  On a ROLL today!

But I am now officially DONE!




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I had a great day too . Out n about , picked up pup , went to the pond ( still froze ) but it was a beautiful 50 above with sun so we enjoyed the walk all the way around it . I’m so pleased pup hasn’t forgotten any of the rules walking with me , she doesn’t stray , pays no attention to other dogs on route wanting to pull and visit them  .. so pleased with her smarts and obedience . She used to hate grass snow and water , and lol no problem now lol  she will walk through everything . Old dogs btw can be taught new tricks too . Of course treat motivated works lol , but she isn’t fat , so it’s in moderation .  It was a fun day . Catcha tomorrow .. 



 up at 447am and prayed

7 minute wake up exercise with hubby to keep our joints well oiled naturally on this Super Saturday


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Lol @indingrl can you bring your shovels for some of this snow ? I know you love it 🙂 

I shoulda not looked at the weather lol what !

12 days of snow starting Tuesday ! 63 tomorrow 50 Monday then in 20s again for who know how long , couldn’t look anymore . 

Ok bright side it can’t stop me from moving , and that I might , to Mexico lol . No it’s fine , we need the moisture , it’s just two weeks . This too shall pass . 

Today likely doing the big grocery haul seeing it will be cold , making bread sounds like a good way to move and doing those freezer plans for summer . 

Have a good and healthy day , keep moving .