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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Thanks for sharing dear @RainbowHeart    

Hubby and I had a tasty salad for supper too 

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You found good things to do on a dreary day @RainbowHeart . You daughter will love that . 
It is minus 22 F here , -30 C , colder again tomorrow so I decided a good day for something in the oven to heat up the house . I bought a ham at Christmas when they were on sale so cooking it up and will enjoy ham sandwiches for the next week lol . Then split pea soup lol . A big salad too sounds yummy , I don’t make good salads . 😒 
You can get dollar store frames for your artwork btw . 
Well today for moving is a write off I think .. I can’t get motivated to do a u tube exercise . I guess I won’t be hard on myself , maybe my body just needs another day of rest , reading , Ex  lol 


Wow @Anonymous that is COLD. 


Today was a good day for MOVING.  Cardio, Line dancing and raking for a total of 16,370 steps.  Whoo Hoo!!!! I'm back. 

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Love line dancing , so fun , great work out . Glad you are back too . 


I attempted to tackle this today.  First photo is prior to my removing the leaves.  @2nd photo after I got the leaves off about a month ago.


I put on the jeans, put on the long-sleeved shirt, put on the sweatshirt, put on the jacket, put on the boots, get the chain saw out, fill it with gas, put on the gloves, put in the ear plugs put on the goggles, prime the bulb and start having at it.  Maybe after 15 pulls on the chord I stopped in UTTER FRUSTRATION!!!  Back and forth between choke and half choke ... @Cousin-Itt    Carl I know you understand this.  This is a Stihl EASY START 16" chain saw.  HA! I have NEVER known it to be easy TO START!!!!  Even 10 years ago when I was only 64!  So I guess I'd call that my "warm up exercise."  Then I walked up the driveway, which is to the right at the top of the hill to get the mail.  The picture I'm taking is about half way from the house.  I walk back down, and knowing my chain saw as well as I do, I started again to get 'er going.  How many more pulls I did, I can't tell ya.  FINALLY she burped into life. YAY.  I mean starting a gas chain saw is exercise all on it's own.  So I walk her (and the gas can) out to the tree.  And I start at that right easy side, that little flipped up flipper.  Which is taller than me.  And I'm sawing and nothing much is happening, but smoke coming off  the chain.  Oooookay.  I turn it off.  I notice the chain is really loose.  Hmm.  Why?  I tightened it up before I began.  I walk down the hill to the garage  get an implement, walk back up, I tighten it again and have another go.  It's STILL not cutting the way it should.  And I notice the chain is loose again.  WTF???  And it's still smoking.  Hmmm.   So I'm thinking maybe the oil is plugged on the bar and then I walk back to the garage and get a tool and walk back out to the saw and clean it all out and then I put the chain back on the bar and it just didn't want to go on and.... EVENTUALLY I got the chain on, fired it back up, checked on the trunk of the tree to see if the oil was shuffling off the chain like it should, start cutting again and... it's just still not cutting right.  I mean I know this is a tough Hickory and it's not even the tree itself, it's just a LIMB of the tree (which are usually tougher)... but... OMG.  I then gave up.  Took everything I had hauled out there back to the gargage, then spent the next 20 minutes sharpening the blade.    And tomorrow is another day, Scarlet.  I THOUGHT about then doing a Leslie 1 mile walk, but you know what?  I was just too da*mn tired at that point.  Anyway, this last shot is just a picture of the flipper.  I DID manage at least to saw that thing off!   Hurrah!



WoooooWOOO we didn't do Leslie Sansone aerobic walking miles yesterday either some days are just like that other moving see.s to be enough for hubby and I too too sore and too tired and that okay WoooooWOOO thanks for sharing @Giulia you are my inspiration to move today thanks for giving me hope in my new day Friday WoooooWOOO 


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 up at 306am and prayed

7 minute wake up exercise with hubby and heading out to walk the mall with our peeps today




Good morning! Chainsaw shenanigans sounds frustrating but boy are those woods beautiful. I started running/jogging about 6 weeks ago after taking a long break, for over a year. It is making me feel really good. I’m using the recordings on the Nike Run Club app which make it fun & are super motivating. Yesterday I did a 2 mile jog which is still a little bit of a challenge for me. I hope my breathing gets easier and lung capacity grows the longer I am smoke free. I really feel like running is helping my mood & helping me handle stress better.

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Oh my gosh it’s minus 38C / -36F with windchill -45 C / - 49 F . It’s horrible , everything is coming to a halt . Another day housebound , tomorrow no different , cold . From one of the hottest temps all of December ever recorded , to the coldest temps in 70 years in this first half of January , and the rest of the month is looking cold , very cold . 

I do have to do u tube today , stiff from not moving yesterday . Great job everyone @Thyme welcome to get moving . Congrats on your quit .My breathing improved so much in three months quit . Hope it will for you as well . You are doing two things that should definitely help , running and not smoking .