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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Prayers lifted dear friend @freeneasy  please keep us posted thank you and yes this too shall pass I completely understand that slogan amen 


@indingrl @Thanks DianeJoy🙂


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 your welcome dear friend @freeneasy 



 up at 217 am and prayed

7 minute wake up exercise with hubby and 3 heart healthy aerobic walking miles with Leslie Sansone on utube

3pm outside walking for 20 minutes



I was up most of last night due to heavy winds in our area which caused much damagae and inconvenience from tumbled trees and power lines and the loss of power to about 20,000 people in the area. We here on this side of town (where are hospital is) were fortunate in that we did not lose our power, but there were atill a number of homes that were severly damaged by the heavy winds and falling trees which peaked at one point to +75 miles per hour. It was all very scary!  Amazing that no personal injuries or deaths occurred!! Many schools and businesses were closed today due to lack of power and many streets were shut off with fallen trees. Also, most of the city's traffic lights were not working so intersections posed danger to motorists. I stayed home and caught up on sleep. Did not exercise as I am back on the heating pad for some reason after having a darned good day yesterday. 😓

@indingrl ~ love hearing about your post-retirement walks with your hubby and also your daaily exercise routines @Anonymous ~Yikes on sub-zero temperatures in your NOTW. Staying inside 'til things moderate sound like a good plan. @freeneasy ~ Will keep you in my thoughts for your upcoming podiatry appointment and sending healing thoughts / prayers your way @Wozlik ~ Wondering if you were able to go to that non-smoking class and how it went..?  Hoping your days to consistently feeling better will soon be here.. So happy that shoulder surgery is not goig to e necessary...Your question on what do we do for pleasure caused me to put my thinking cap on and realizedd all of mine are solitary and couch-potatao-like in that I look forward to reading my daily newspaper, doing online Words With Friends, and watching a favorite game show on tv (Funny You Should Ask.) I really look forward to resuming and very much miss my walking about the neighborhood-- will be glad when I can resume that! @biscuit9 ~ I really enjoyed going to the otherside" in WA State which meant crossing the Cascades to visit Seattle and the coastal areas where Pete had family. Our area was hilly dry desert land where sagebrush and tumble weed and free-ranging beef cattle were the norm. (But also comon were wild fires..yikes!) Go with your salsa, girl! @RainbowHeart ~ Pulling hard for you to get over that respiratory stuff that's keeping you down! Also a hello to all the other moving folks along with a special goodnight to our Maryland girl @YoungAtHeart ❤️ 




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 hello dear friend @SuzyQ411  just a love note to thank you for invite January 17 I will not be attending because it is my 67th bday and hubby and I will be celebrating my special day WoooooWOOO should our Ascended Lord Jesus tarry I am hoping to be RAPTURED outta here today Thursday would be terrific sister in Christ Amen WoooooWOOO 


I totally understand your not being free to participate with me and hopefully some others in the Zoom meeting with Todd @CommunityAdmin on the 17th @indingrl , seeing that it's your birhday! How wonderful that you and your hubby have special plans to celebrate. My memory isn't what it used to be so in case it slips my mind on your special day, I am wishing you an early Happy Birthday!

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Good morning , home day , gym cancelled til further notice , just too cold to risk taking people out on the road to get me there and daughter texted me that’s it’s very icy out , stay in ! We will see how it goes staying indoors at home , I may not stand it  but once graters and sanders get out after todays snowfall it might be better . I have books 📕 so I’ll exercise my mind and do treatment , and sleep . We are in a frigid deepfreeze until at least the weekend . Lots of activity in here , I won’t respond to each , but I have read them . Hope everyone has a good day . Last warm day this week . Currently -7F 


Morning all - although it’s really afternoon.  @RainbowHeart ans @Sootie i hope your colds are going away for real.  Seems like things make me feel “under the weather” a lot more. Maybe it’s just aging, or maybe bugs are different.  Se slime I always have a cold or sore throat or something.  Woke up late and have been dozing on and off.  Decided I could just take a nap then checked the calendar and realized it was Wednesday and I have a nonsmoking class I can attend following my graduation from pulmonary rehab.  So I will not just laze about, but will try to wake up.  @Anonymous  a sing along, walk and cozy library chair by fireplace sounds perfect.  One of the perks of not smoking is that my voice and breath get better.  Maybe I’ll look for something local. Haven’t sung with a group in a long time, but I remember how good it feels to be raising a joyful noise.  It’s more difficult than I expected coming up with things that just make me happy.  Almost like I will get in trouble with someone if I just do something for pure enjoyment (back to existential therapy again…thanks guys).  What kinds of things do you all do purely for pleasure?  @RainbowHeart has the kittens and painting. Someone has rocks and sticks, which I have as well.  Will be going back to the gym for walking now that I’m out of pulmonary rehab.  Still doing PT for shoulder, so won’t be doing arm equipment, but can do treadmill/cardio stuff and lower body.  Don’t need surgery on shoulder so that’s a blessing, just need to build up other muscles to compensate for old rotator cuff fraying. @indingrl @You always make my hears sing.  And, @SuzyQ411 @so glad you are doing better.  Just scheduled cervical epidural for Monday so that will help with pain.  I’m a happy camper.


@Wozlik  I hope that neck procedure goes well.  It doesn't sound fun, but if it brings relief that is what matters.  I also hope Sootie and Rainbowheart get over their colds.  It took me every bit of 2 weeks and a couple days for mine to leave me alone.  I started drinking herbal teas and it seemed to help.  Suzy and Guilia, I hope your backs improve and that the exercises bring relief.  Maki, happy that you found an amazing gym to go to.  Sounds like alot of fun.  Sounds like everyone is busy and Indiangirl, you still have one more workout to do today.

@SuzyQ411   My son graduated University of Washington, he always calls it UDub, their colors are purple.  That's right Suzy, you are familiar with the Washington State area.  I really like Washington and the people and the countryside.  Not so much the Seattle weather though, where he lived for a few years.  Sorry about your ex husband and I know you are concerned about him and I guess he wasn't conscience when they found him or he was dazed.  Hoping the MRI will come out good.