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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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@YoungAtHeart   Glad it's only a muscle problem.  I won't comment on the "listen to my body and rest for next two weeks..."  

No moving for me today.  Had to take husband to docs and then errands/food shopping and  that kind of eats up the day.  Hopefully tomorrow....


pastedImage_1.pngpastedImage_1.jpgpastedImage_1.jpg I could not find one that said you make me smile. 

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2 miles to the grocery store and 2 miles home. Made it home just before the downpour started. The flowers were intensely colored under the dark gray sky. Everything smelled good too ❤️20210527_105430.jpg


Beautiful.   Lots of crazy weather here.  It's hot, it's cold, it's dry, it storms.  Blah blah blah.



Hello All- 

@Giulia  Thanks. I am feeling much better....not sure what THAT was all about but glad it is over.

@YoungAtHeart I think your boddy had better speak LOUDER seem to have trouble hearing it say...HEY SLOW DOWN!!

@JACKIE1-25-15 Iam going to have to get a thatching rake......never heard of this but I definitely need one of them!

And to all.........I did my morning and evening walk today....beautiful day all day. Not so I hear for the holiday weekend. We are supposed to have mostly rain and much cooler......ah well.....still, a day off to rest and relax and my sweet Lily will be here to visit. She will bring sunshine no matter what the weather.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend. I will be at the cabin and so "unplugged" from Friday to Sunday. Remember our fallen heroes..........thank God for our land of freedom



Nice going @RainbowHeart !  And beautiful picture.

@Sootie   "thank God for our land of freedom"  Amen to that.  Glad you got some walking in before the rains.  And that you're at your happy cabin to chill.  Your admonition to Nancy -   "I think your boddy had better speak LOUDER"  Yes, but we're all stubborn, aren't we.  Example:  

I first said to myself I'd go for a bike ride today since I didn't yesterday.  And I'm back on the "exercise kick".  But it was the usual hot and humid.  And my heart (which is in a-fib mode, according to heart monitor I had on for two weeks) was being funky today.  So I thought - NO, better to go upstairs on the porch and do some weights or something else so that if I have  a heart attack at least I'll be at home and not splat on a pavement somewhere on my bike ride.  Truly, this was my thinking.  And then I changed my mind again after walking out on the downstairs porch and figuring the upstairs porch would be even even hotter - at least on the bike you're getting a breeze against your body and it's more fun!  And frankly if I'm going to have a heat attack or stroke I'd rather have it on a bike in a beautiful setting  than on some hot upstairs porch with stupid exercise equipment and no air.  My point being - ultimately I think I did listen to my body and listened to the cooler choice.  Besides which, exercise (even with a-fib) is good for the heart they say.  

And so I chime in with a 7 mile bike ride, sun was low, breeze was nice and I'm glad I did it.  




A bike ride and an unplugged cabin visit sounds like just what the doctor ordered.  The only exercise I am getting is moving around and around and trying to find a spot that doesn't make my strained butt muscle unhappy!

This, too, shall pass - eventually.

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Your daily cicada fix - if you actually need one!HRD2kwp3.jpg


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@YoungAtHeart  I hope it passes real soon for you and you can get into that pool!



Me, too.  What chaps my butt (literally 😊) is that I didn't do ANYTHING to cause this secondary injury  I did walk down the driveway a least once a day - but that was recommended by the PT, and if I did anything else, I limited it to no more than 15 minutes a day, like one day I swiffered the bathroom floor - and that was IT.  I didn't even FEEL any injury to a butt muscle!  grrrrrr!   Maybe just one more fun item in the aging saga that you can hurt yourself and not even KNOW it?

Sorry about the a-fib.  Must be scary!  Is there medication to help with that?

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