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A personal journey . Positive moves , positive outcomes

Not sure where I can post my excersise journey .  I post to stay accountable to  myself now . If it helps others too , great . I am on the last step of my quit and weight journey . Ten years smoke free June 2021. 

I have lost all the weight I gained quitting smoking  my rough guess is I gained about 30 pounds but I was underweight when I started due to illness .  I have med weight now to take care of . It's the hardest cause you just can't go off your meds .  My meds side effects are weight gain . My age also factors in . 

Excersise Is the main thing . I try to stay focused on that  more than the weight .  There is never a perfect size .. it's not one size fits all .

My goal is a personal one and I am walking  the journey here because for many if us weight gain quitting smoking was a concern . I am just ten pounds off my personal  goal weight which is the best and healthiest weight for me . It's where I feel my best.  It's taken me one short year . It's been worth it . In the process I gained strength in my muscles ,  self esteem and better  confidence . 

Feel free to join in ,  those of you who would like to start a journey of your own or connect with other groups here  Some good ones here. Find your fit .  They are all good . Even  start one in your own home if it's more comfortable . 

Excersise , walking and getting active all helps with craves while you are quitting smoking . It's good distraction from craves , it's helpful  no matter how you look at it .  Walking alone  changed me just like quitting smoking has . Positively . Positive moves equal positive results .  

Today , we have snow in the forecast but it may be just a scuff . It is cold .  I took an extra long walk outdoors yesterday . Today I'll be on the stationary bike and doing a u tube video dance class .

Because it's cold today it has given me opportunity to do my excersise indoors . A change is as good as a rest . EXersising is positively healthy . 

My motivationsl phrase for  today  is this . 

"Doing it , not trying it . " 

Maki . 

Please join in if you like . The only request  I ask is you end your post with a positive gratitude or motivational phrase or picture . 




12 Replies

Rough days / rest days .

Spring storms , high winds of 100 k and feeling blah kept me down and not able to excersise for a couple days . Today was better .

I found a wonderful place to indoor walk thanks to the clinic receptionist . From my health care clinic to the main hospital is a pedway , a very long pedway .What a find . I walked an hour back and forth and saw only a person here and there . Everyone is screened upon entrance so we are all safe . The hallways are very wide so no chance coming into close contact with anyone . It will be a great place to do my walks in the winter before or after treatments and blood draws . I don't have to step foot into the hospital and it's quiet .  I will just plan on staying a little longer . Beautiful view as well .  

Also found some outdoor trails I plan on putting on my schedule to explore this summer . So many places right within the areas we live why use a gym when you can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature outside . 

Just a reminder everyone . Fire season has started , so be careful smokers please . 

Signing off happy to be excersising again .

On the stationary now . Tea time . 





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Nice day today and tomorrow . 

My walking will be outdoors .  My goal tomorrow is making it to the green house which is just a bit further than my longest walk and just the right amount to improve my stamina over last years year end walk .

Grateful for the walker today . I fought it for the longest time . If you need an aide to help you stay mobile and safe , don't hesitate , it's worth it . I thought it would make me feel old and it does a bit , but the amount of walking I'm able to do now because of it has boosted my spirits , improved my health , and knocked of a few years I think , and improved my overall health a lot .

Those of you on your own journey , have a great day .  






Good walking day today , feet sore but worth it. 

This is my last post . Just going to do a personal journal here at home . 

Grateful for my quit and now getting out more . Keeping the weight stable . Quitting smoking was easier because it's all or nothing , weight loss you do have to eat so I suggest in moderation is the best and walk If you can . Walk alone or with friends , but do it . It grows on ya and you will love it .