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A personal journey . Positive moves , positive outcomes

Not sure where I can post my excersise journey .  I post to stay accountable to  myself now . If it helps others too , great . I am on the last step of my quit and weight journey . Ten years smoke free June 2021. 

I have lost all the weight I gained quitting smoking  my rough guess is I gained about 30 pounds but I was underweight when I started due to illness .  I have med weight now to take care of . It's the hardest cause you just can't go off your meds .  My meds side effects are weight gain . My age also factors in . 

Excersise Is the main thing . I try to stay focused on that  more than the weight .  There is never a perfect size .. it's not one size fits all .

My goal is a personal one and I am walking  the journey here because for many if us weight gain quitting smoking was a concern . I am just ten pounds off my personal  goal weight which is the best and healthiest weight for me . It's where I feel my best.  It's taken me one short year . It's been worth it . In the process I gained strength in my muscles ,  self esteem and better  confidence . 

Feel free to join in ,  those of you who would like to start a journey of your own or connect with other groups here  Some good ones here. Find your fit .  They are all good . Even  start one in your own home if it's more comfortable . 

Excersise , walking and getting active all helps with craves while you are quitting smoking . It's good distraction from craves , it's helpful  no matter how you look at it .  Walking alone  changed me just like quitting smoking has . Positively . Positive moves equal positive results .  

Today , we have snow in the forecast but it may be just a scuff . It is cold .  I took an extra long walk outdoors yesterday . Today I'll be on the stationary bike and doing a u tube video dance class .

Because it's cold today it has given me opportunity to do my excersise indoors . A change is as good as a rest . EXersising is positively healthy . 

My motivationsl phrase for  today  is this . 

"Doing it , not trying it . " 

Maki . 

Please join in if you like . The only request  I ask is you end your post with a positive gratitude or motivational phrase or picture . 




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Done job . Took a short walk outside too today  in the rain . Snow didn't happen . . 

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Thanks for the kudos @RainbowHeart it was encouragement. 

Some folks like to walk alone with a purpose in mind or not . I started with a purpose but now I just love to walk . I used to ride my bike until I couldn't anymore and I would stop at the lake and smoke and smoke and smoke .

My mind wasn't tuned in to the beauty around me . The sounds , the birds ,  the wind blowing gently or the water or in my face . They were self focused in  feeding addiction enough to satisfy my crave and then quickly I would bike to the next pit stop to do the same . Relaxation ; oh that first puff I tricked myself into believing was relaxation . I believed a lie that was killing me . Smoking tricks you into believing Relaxation because it alters brain function . True Relaxation is life without the cigarette , enjoying all that's around me in quietness or with friends .  Hearing , seeing , touching , smelling tasting  breathing life as was meant to be . 

It's freezing cold here today .. a winter temp for sure . -11 C when I got up . Will it be an excuse not to excersise .  nope , because I pledge and promise myself I will excersise and I won't break promises .

I  Maki commit myself to 45 minutes of excersise . My choice .

I will share later what I did . There are  18 hours in my  day to do something.  45 minutes is easy peasy . 






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  • The same voice that says “give up” can also be trained to say “keep going” . 

I lost around 25 lbs.  I started out doing low carb but quickly decided that it was not a plan that I could stick with long term.  So I joined WW (weight watchers) and haven't looked back.  It really is all about making healthy choices.  I have maintained my goal weight now for around 2 years - but this past year has really been tough! 😀

Congratulations to you on both your accomplishments!

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Congrats @Jennifer-Quit . I've heard many success stories out of weight watchers . Great job on losing twenty five pounds. 

I agree it's about the choices we make and what works for us . My diet has not changed a lot other than I quit eating late night meals and quit soda pop . I was a  diet pop drinker until I learned about aspertame  . Not anymore ! 

I am more focused this time on excersise and health than diet and health.  It's working .. it's coming off slowly , exactly what I want . No rush to lose quickly because it's a lifestyle change and I don't want to feel I'm sacrificing anything  .  

I had a lot of parking lot to walk today and tons of time to walk while waiting for my vaccine .  Definitely got 45 minute or better in in some pretty chilly weather today . 

Now I'm on the stationary , watching the news typing and having chai tea  .. wow I'm a multi tasker today . Grateful too . 





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Good morning today . 

I hope others knows that by the title "personal " it is not limited to me only . Everyone is welcome in this group to start their own personal excersise and wellness journey or start one of your own within this group . There are also other group options as well quite active , encouraging and receptive to others as well  . Join one or many . It truly will help you with your quit smoking  journey and help you on a  personal level whatever you use it for .  Not one size fits all but all are a perfect fit for someone . 

I'm pleased this far no side effects from the vaccine shot , bit sore at injection site but nothing that will stop my excersise plan for today . 

I will get out for a walk , I will do some sitting weights and I WILL  order or get to the store for a balance ball . I think that will be fun and I can come up with my own routines . If I fall lol it's only me watching and I can laugh at myself too . Laughter is great medicine .  It can work different muscles and core , rather inexpensive and productive . 

Advocating  for a better fit self . Action taken , results shown . 

That's the plan and doing it . 


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Insert from article by Greg Chertok 

In a new study, researchers randomly assigned women to two fitness classes – one had an instructor who made motivational comments that focused on strength and health and the other featured an instructor who made comments about weight loss and appearance. Everything else was the same – same exercises, same room, same music. After taking the class, women reported more positive emotions and felt more satisfied with the shape of their bodies if the instructor said things like "This exercise is crucial to developing strength in the legs; these are the muscles that truly help you run, jump and sprint like a superhero!" Those in the other class who heard comments like "This exercise blasts fat in the legs, no more thunder thighs for us! Get rid of that cellulite!" didn't show those same improvements.


* Self talk is an important tool to success * 

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What a strange day . Frustration after frustration on Ex for me ,  but pretty sure it's because I had to switch to the cell until my computer is fixed . So I'll lay low a bit until I'm back on familiar surroundings.

  I did get my balance ball ordered and got 4O minutes of  the bike in . Really wanted to walk off my frustration  but wasn't able to manage that today .Still it was a  good day and grateful that I achieved some excersise .

Patience and cycling . Both good practises. Tomorrow is a new day . 

Self talk is 🌞important . It can make a good day out of one that is not as good as you'd like it to be . I'm happy with my accomplishment today . 🏅


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A slow morning , great afternoon . Snow ,  rain and cold turned into a beautiful mild afternoon . Did the stationary bike  45 minutes  this morning and had an lovely walk this afternoon . Perfect timing to get everything in raining again now . Weights a bit tonight while watching the game ... go team ! 

I live close to a beautiful park . Well many actually . One is set up with different fitness areas .Last year a mixed group was formed on the hill where people  gathered socially distanced and excersised  together. Community gardens were also set up in the parking lot for young families to experience  gardening . Pretty cool watching the kids in he city learn about gardening and doing the route with various pit stops with different exercises was something I always wanted to try . Do what I can do , improvise what I can't but do it . 

I think I'm prepared to do that excersise on the hill this year . What a change excersise can do if you do it . Walk the walk . It's worth it .

Good food , good company , excersise  , and smoke free . LIfe is so much better than smoking .