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What's cookin chefs ? What's for dinner tonight ?

Initial thought for title was what's cookin good lookin lol good old song , bad joke though . 

I used to be a really good cook , looked forward to it , but the years go by , and ya run out of ideas . The same old meat , potatoe , potato ,  veggie , vegee thing is getting old  and we have a new wave of keto , IF , plant based , sugar free , lactose free , sweetener free , vegan and the list goes on new lifestyle changes happening across the net .  So I want to try some new recipies . How bout you ? Quick n easy main dishes , healthy clean foods , one pot or two , freezable meals or not , no baking please lol . Sweets not allowed kinda meals . Breakfast lunch or dinner ideas and yup even snack ideas . 

So I plan on trying something new , to try one new recipe a week and I'll post it if it's good with a picture and directions and measurements , maybe even try to put together something new of my own creation .. see arts and crafty lol ha ! 

Looking forward to coming to this site to see what everyone will be cooking too . Hope everyone will post their unique ideas and recipies . Hint hint , favorited love chicken , blueberries , spicy food , very spicy food . also smoothie ideas , anyone have any ? Protein shakes? 

Not so favourites fish , so if anyone has  good fishy ideas we fish catchers only not eaters might try I know I would  love your  ideas as well . 


Now my biggest issue might be committment to do so , as I really don't cook as I should or as good as I used to anymore . I usually wing it in the moment more than plan it out , unless it's grocery week  but I'll do my best to remind myself . It will keep my mind sharp if I can force myself to remember lol . 

So far breakfast has been sunny boy 🙂 how simple is that lol . 



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@RainbowHeart  A girlfriend from India and I used to make samosa together and she and her kids loved pirogies,  so we would do both over conversation and chai tea and freeze hundreds . I always make my chai tea from scratch with cardomon and other spices. 

I have many friends from India and learned to cook by watching them . 


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@Daniela2016  your meal sounds lovely and those eggs in the basket are beautiful .

I'm not that fond of lamb myself but if it is cooked in a curry I love . I probably just don't have a good recipie .  Baby potatoes in butter,  yum , and fresh from a garden even better. You had a lovely dinner .



Been to Chennai once and Bangalore twice, for work.  It's got to be in my genes that I can't stand the smell/taste of curry, and I do not eat any kind of spicy, Romanian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, or any kind of spicy food.  So unfortunately, I could not grow to love Indian food, except for their breads; the local naan is awesome, and so is the paratha.  Tried buying here frozen and just bake it, not the same taste, or tenderness.  I brought back a bunch of spices, but I gifted them to family/friends, the only one I consistently use is the Cardamom on roasted veggies, and saffron on rice.


I will have to try cardamom on veggies!


Today's  dinner leftovers from yesterday 

Strawberries over Angel food Cake for Dessert



SD brought home gumbo. I make a mean gumbo but SD likes getting from a takeout place he knows

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Your dinner looks awesome again @Cousin-Itt and @RainbowHeart gumbo another favourite . I've made it too but I do have a favourite restaurant I like way better than my own . 

I am still not getting into eating the Ham I made yet . Carls dinner looks so good  . Something is off .. not sure what .. just having tea for now , maybe later I'll feel up to something . 

Have a good feast everyone . 


BBQ tonight and Watching the Mets... Lets Go Mets






Wednesday I can't and won't eat another piece of ham.   Tonight we are having Cincinnati comfort Food

Cincinnati Chili from Skyline   I am having a 4 Way with onions and a Cheese Coney of course with a little Hot Sauce



that looks so yummy...

Being "good" at our home tonight, grilled jumbo shrimp with Asparagus and a side salad.

Do you think we'll have candies afterwards?  You bet we will 🙂