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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

January Daily Pledge 2024


January 2024 Daily Pledge.png

 Welcome to Your Quit Journey in January! 

January means new day, new week, new month, new year! It is the ultimate reset to conquer those lingering habits by taking the daily pledge. Whether it’s smoking, vaping, or other types of tobacco products, let’s come together and pledge to quit as a community.

How to Pledge:

  1. Go to the last reply, click the last page number.
  2. Hit 'Reply' under the last pledge.
  3. Tag the last pledger with '@', then compose your pledge.
  4. Click 'Reply' to seal the deal.

Why Pledge?

  • Keeps you accountable.
  • Strengthens community bonds.
  • Daily or weekly check-ins help you stay on track.


Remember, we're stronger together. Come back tomorrow and pledge again!

EX Community Admin Team
Etiquetas (1)
641 Respuestas

@Finallyquittin I am happy to take your hand and pledge not to smoke today. I extend my other free hand in support to the next person in line. Have a great day!



Good day and thank you @Metroguy . I accept your hand and pledge to not smoke today. I extend my hand to the next person in line. Have a great day.


It’s a good day to pledge not to smoke @almihsqd .  I’m grateful for your hand and I hold out my other hand to the next person to join us.


I take your hand and pledge not to smoke today.  I extend my free hand to the next to pledge.


@judylynn44  no smoke after breakfast


Thanks for your hand @champsin97 !

I pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand to the next in line.

Lynne 2498 days


@wlh I pledge today to put my health and life first. I am excited for my new life of being vape free!!


Lynne,  I take you strong quit hand.  You give me strength.  Kudos on your 2498 smoke-free days.  Today is 5518 for me.  And tomorrow will be the next smoke-free day.  It's possible newbies - it's possible.  Hang in there!

Quit counter today1.JPG



@Giulia wow! 5518 days! That is inspiring to hear because this is only my 2nd full day without vaping. I’ve quit several times but have come back to it over and over again. People like you give many of us hope that is possible to live a life smoke-free. 


You know @dakotahhlee  we can tackle this addition in many different ways.  Different mind sets, techniques, approaches, tricks.  Reasons why we quit.  Reasons to stay quit.  But ultimately it comes down to just getting through ONE DAY.  One entire tough day of not vaping.  Of not putting that cigarette in our mouth.  Or that chaw.  Or that, NRT, or.... that substance that draws us back into the need of itself.   We just have to get through one day after the next.  And each day free of it, teaches us that we CAN.  And gives us the power and hope to do another day.  And each little day is a huge Victory!   It just takes getting through one day free at a time to build our quit house.  Stay true to that Best of You.  That's all I did to get here to a 17 year quit.  So obviously it IS possible to live smoke-free!  But I had to fight for it, just as you do.  Stay the course!