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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


I Pledge Not to Smoke Today - Monday May 26 - Memorial Day Smoke Free Weekend


I Pledge a Smoke Free weekend so this must be a SMOKE FREE DAY !

I Pledge I will like myself as a Smoke Free Person.

I Pledge I will not make any excuse to screw up my Smoke Free Weekend.

I Pledge I am so proud when I accomplish my smoke free goal every day!

I pledge I believe I can finally do this no matter how many times I tried before.

I Pledge I am done trying to quit because I just am going to do it ...not try anymore.

I Pledge that I will Pledge Everyday this Weekend to Stay Strong.

I Pledge that I will store up all my smoke free days and turn them in anniversary parties that can be help at the Quit Party Central group.

I pledge I feel better about myself every day I continue this smoke free journey.

I Pledge I feel better about this smoke free journey because of those here pledging with me and I do not feel alone,

I Pledge I am really loving thinking of my New Self as Smoke Free and Happier.

I Pledge to be the best I can be today and if i feel like Whining I will keep it to a minimum because I would rather concentrate on the positives of my journey.

wow are you ready ......are you really ready.... for another Smoke Free Day ?

I extend my hands of support to everyone in the pledge but the first one in get my right hand now .......

Go Out and Make it a Super Successful Smoke Free Day....... will you join me ?

Meet Me At Quit Part Central Today for the Friday Bonfire Please ...

Etiquetas (1)
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12 Respuestas

Good Morning Debbie and everyone and thanks for the hand.
I pledge not to smoke today or tonight and extend my free hand to the next person wishing to pledge today.

I have been quit for 11 Months, 1 Day, 19 hours, 6 minutes and 36 seconds (336 days). I have saved $1,515.57 by not smoking 10,103 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 5 Days, 1 hour and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/21/2007 11:43 AM
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I too pledge to have a smoke free weekend, and to extend my hand in support to the next person to continue our healthy journey through the entire holiday! I do not have to be strong alone, and I will support anyone else that wants help to quit! Join us!
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I'm pledging to stay smoke free this whole weekend......... need lots and lots of hands on this one!!
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extending my hand to Dian and hopes
you will grab on and hold tight to your quit...
If you need support give us a hollar on here ok//
I have been quit for 11 Months, 1 Day, 20 hours, 47 minutes and 42 seconds (336 days). I have saved $1,515.89 by not smoking 10,105 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 5 Days, 2 hours and 5 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/21/2007 11:43 AM
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i extend my hand to you linda, hope you share some wisdom, I am pledging not to smoke today, tonight and the early morning hours, but my hubby and I just had a fight, so I don't feel like pledging, but I need to next person in line hold my hand tight and keep me in prayer today.
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<<<<Val>>>>> I pray you forgive him the way you want to be forgiven and that you are lead from temptation today by reciting the Lords prayer enough times today that it sinks in....
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Hi Val my wisdom is poor today as I too am fighting with the person I adore... But Val I will hang on to your hand as tightly as you need as I am here and together we will hang on to our quits and make it thru the day..
As for the fighting hun hang in there and forgive. I have lived my life believing that words spoken in anger can never be taken back so I try never to speak bad words that will hurt my loved one.
Not sure if that helps but it is just me...

I am hanging on tight and if you want to chat I am on IM in yahoo under the name lin_crawford
I will talk to any one that wants support as I never want you to end up like me with Emphysema or COPD.
Hugs you tight to go along with that held hand.

I have been quit for 11 Months, 1 Day, 22 hours, 14 minutes and 32 seconds (336 days). I have saved $1,516.16 by not smoking 10,107 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 5 Days, 2 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/21/2007 11:43 AM
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Amen to that.. The lord listens even when we do not think he is.. Nice advice ManOfSteel
I have been quit for 11 Months, 1 Day, 22 hours, 18 minutes and 3 seconds (336 days). I have saved $1,516.17 by not smoking 10,107 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 5 Days, 2 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/21/2007 11:43
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I take your strong hand Linda and pledge no cigs today. I extend my other hand to the next brave EXer. This is all about life without cigs......unfortunately life includes fighting with significant others, screaming kids, and general chaos. I am so thankful to Jesus for letting me become a person who can see beyond the day to day and give it all to him. We are all here together...let's all hold tight to our friends hands and help them get past whatever struggle they are facing today and help them do it cigarette free.

Prayers Susan Day 88
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