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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


I Pledge Not To Smoke Today - Wednesday May 28 - Everyone Pledge Here Please!

I Pledge that I will not smoke today or tonight.

I pledge even if I get weak I will just say no to cigarettes today.

I pledge to go to bed happy and proud I am doing so smoke free.

I pledge to be my best today and even if I feel crabby I will fight through it.

I pledge no excuses today or tonight because I want my smoke free...dom more.


I pledge if I do think about cigarettes today I will think of the most horrific effect of smoking. So the picture I will think of will be of cancer or death or hospitals.

I also have a 3 minute video that I want your comments on to see if we should include this in our daily pledges.

Please help everyone find the 1st pledge of the day so we can all be in the pledge together. Can everyone help me with teach others about everyone in here together?

Since I am planning on a smoke free day I extend my great smelling hands of support to the next person in line...........

Go out and make this a Super Successful Smoke Free Day .....DEAL?

Etiquetas (1)
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12 Respuestas

Thank you Dan for starting this chain of hands joined in smoke free pledges.

Today is the fourth day of my quit and I pledge that today I will be smoke free. Although my withdrawal symptoms have been rough at times I am concentrating on how good I really feel. I love the feeling of breathing easier, I love not having phlegm in my throat and I love not smelling like smoke. I'm loving not worrying about running out of cigarettes.

Today is a great day to be smoke free!
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julie i will gladly grab yor hand. this is my 5th day and althrough its been rough at times i m so glad that i have done it and i know in my heart that i will never go back to smoking!!! i extend my other hand to the next in line......
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Debbie I take your hand and plegde to make my 5th day smoke free And not to give in to any excuses. So what the kids are already fighting and it is only 6:43 am. So what the hubby didn't clean up after the dog this morning before he went to work 40 mins early and we live maybe 10 mins away from his job.
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Now that's one pledge I can go with! I'll join hands with everyone on my big Day Two! It's going to be a beautiful day, even when I get irritated and depressed. Fighting the nicfits may make me feel like I've just run a marathon, I'm just going to focus on how great it's going to be to put my head down on a pillow that smells like fabric softener and not Marlboros tonight! Yay!

It's a BEAUTIFUL day to be smoke free, y'all!
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I pledge not to smoke today or tonight. This is my 9th day and it seems to be getting easier, but I don't want to get over confident.
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Thanks for the hand, Jupiter. I gladly take it and join you and all of the others in pledging to remain smoke free today. I will not partake in an activity that is trying to kill me and trake me from my children. I will not spend one more dime on a murderer! I will breathe easy and stay strong and remain steadfast and proud in this accomplishment.
No excuses.
I don't smoke.

I extend my hand in support to anyone else who needs it....
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I pledge that I will not smoke today May 28, 2008. I pledge that when temptation arises I will remember how I stayed smoke free yesterday and use the same strategy today. I pledge to request help when I need it, to be strong when I need to and never, never, never think that I have the option to smoke again.
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gladly I join hands with all of us non-smokers and pledge to return tomorrow still smoke-free.............
3 wks for me........... wooohoooo!!!
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I pledge to stay smoke free today, tonite and the rest of my days here on earth! I extend my hand to the next in line. Rock On everyone, were doing great!!!

Start of day 10, who woulda thought, eh!?
Thank you all for sharing your ups and downs, it has really helped!! =8)
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