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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Quit Day One Pledge

It's my official quit day, so in honor of that, I pledge not to smoke in the first 24 hours of the rest of my life without cigarettes. I had a good morning, so I'm hoping with a strong start to the day, I can keep it up with optimism for the rest.
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7 Replies

Jupiter, DAY ONE!!! YIPPEEE!!! actually day 1 is a wonderful day. Breath deeply, fresh air, not mixed with smoke......... you WILL ENJOY being a non-smoker, believe me, it's been 3 weeks for me today so I'll take your hand and stand with ya to keep ya strong and pledge with ya not to smoke today...........
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I appreciate it! And yeah, I'm totally feeling good about not reeking of smokes already. I can actually smell my shampoo and it's tripping me out! It actually made me laugh!
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Super start Jupiter...

We offer our hands of support to you this day. I have some additional helpful Words of Wisdom for you. I think that the posts QuitTude and Crave Kits might help the most today. Other posts can all possibly help you learn to fight and BEAT this bondage.

We also try to get as many people as possible in the 1st pledge of the day so the whole group can help support you. Usually I start it but it really doesn't matter the 1st person .....just that we all try to be in the same pledge. I think you will enjoy being encouraged by everyone and if there are 15 posts going per day it is hard to go to everyones post...doe this make any sense?

Anyways we are glad you are here and pledging..... !
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Yes, and thanks for the help and support! I really really really appreciate it tons!
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Congrats on your day. Way to go.
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Wahoo! We can do it! Yay!
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Thank you muchly!
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