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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

7/26/18 Celebrations

roller831 Congrats on your 400 day milestone!

sld2 Congrats on your 200 day milestone!

Lalankford88, Dani_2017 , turtlegirl101  andesutts Congrats, today appears to be your 1 year quitaversary.  Please let us know how you are doing!


If you have a celebration, whatever the period of time, feel free to share and celebrate in the comments! Not sure of your DOF?  Use the EX Quit Calculator or check out My Quit Plan to see your DOF.


If  today is your quit day, Congrats!  The above members are just a small sample of people who have quit with the help of the site you're on and the amazing support. Let that be motivation that you can do it too.


If anyone else has quit today, congrats for starting your journey with us.  Be sure to journal your experiences today with a personal blog so you can look back on it and reflect where you started. Tag the post "TheDayIQuit". This way others can see what they can possibly expect as they start their quit journey. Before you know it, you'll be celebrating with people like those mentioned above.


Want to have Your milestones recognized more frequently than yearly? Fill out this simple form to let us know.


EX Community Manager

If I've gotten your quit date wrong, be sure to update it and then go through the steps to sync it to the community.

EX Community Admin Team
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6 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

Today I stopped doing 100 day milestones after 1000 days and 6 month milestones.  What do people think about that?

EX Community Admin Team

Congratulations to those of you celebrating your milestones, roller831‌ on 400 days and sld2‌ on 200 days and to those of you celebrating your first YEAR...WOW!  Please come and touch base with us.

Mark‌ I think cutting back on the celebrations is a good idea because it makes the milestones more special...BUT, I am certainly interested in hearing what other people think.



Yep it has been over a year since I quit and I am planning to stay quit for the rest of my life!! I haven’t been on here much and I wanted to let you all know that I’m still on the freedom train even if I’m not on here every day. I also haven’t slipped up once which I am proud of myself for.

Things that I have noticed this time around. When I have a drink my first thought isn’t about having a cigarette. So I’m happy about that because the times I had quit before I would get major craving when I would drink. Probably cause it lowers you inhibitions. Also I’ve noticed this time around that I dislike the smell of cigarette smoke. It seems like it is everywhere even if I’m outside and I don’t like it. Every once in a while I will get a craving when I’m driving in my car or after I eat and i just take a deep breath until it passes. I listened to a fair amount of guided meditation about tobacco cessation earlier in my journey and i think it was helpful if anyone wants to check it out. My kids are very proud of me and so am I!! Hope you all are doing well!  Keep it up the quit. It is worth it. 


rollercoaster831 Congrats on your 400 day milestone!

sld2 Congrats on your 200 day milestone!


Lalankford88, Dani_2017 , turtlegirl101  andesutts Congrats, today appears to be your 1 year quitaversary.  Please let us know how you are doing!

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roller831  Congrats on your 400 day milestone!

sld2  Congrats on your 200 day milestone!

turtlegirl101 on your big one year (Thanks for letting us know how your doing)

Lalankford88 Dani_2017 and esutts  on 1 year

(Let us know how your doing.

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turtlegirl101‌    CONGRATULATIONS on your first year!  That makes you a member of the prestigious 6% club and an official ELDER!
