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Archive of Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations

Freedom Train 8/1/2017

2 27 267

Good Morning Fellow EXer's 

The Freedom Train is on the tracks and prepared to make its daily run to freedom from smoking. Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal freedom and that of their friends!

Today's Celebrations 

We have some EXcellent numbers today

johio‌ and kjvenegas4 Yrs.!!!

Maggie_quit_8-1-2010 Blog‌ 7 Yrs !!!!

Wow!  Amazing. 

We encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, those of your friends, and show pride in your quit: 1 day, 200 days or 2000 days, or more if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our freedom. Post food and music - IT IS PARTY TIME! This train is bound for FREEDOM from the evils of tobacco and smoking.






What is the Freedom Train? More here

If you are new here, this vehicle provides a place for everyone to gather to celebrate the milestones and successes of those in our community. There are no tickets. The fuel for this locomotive is love and caring. The rides on this train are paid for in contributions to the quits of others! The only thing required to ride this train is a desire to breathe free. We encourage everyone to join in the celebration. No matter where you are in your quit, today is special, and is cause for celebration! Celebrate with others, and they will celebrate with you! There are no baggage fees; bring all your "EXtra baggage" and we will help you sort it out.


How do I count my days? 

Your quit info is here

From time to time we have questions about counting days. While we encourage everyone to celebrate every day of their freedom, here on the Freedom Train we count the days you have completed. For example, pir8fan quit on 01/01/2010. On 12/31/2010 he had reached 365 days. However, he had not completed a year until 01/01/2011.


Where can I sign up?

You can register for the Freedom Train here.


Have a question?

Please feel free to address any questions or suggestions to Pir8fan (Tommy) at any time.

Daily Freedom Train Conductors

Sunday: ShawnP

Monday: Youngatheart.7.4.12

Tuesday: JACKIE1-25-15

Wednesday: Jennifer_Quit_05-01-14

Thursday: shashort

Friday: c2q

Saturday: ShawnP

Image result for world lung cancer day

August 1st is World Lung Cancer Day

Etiquetas (1)
27 Comentarios


What a celebration.  Amazing quits.  Congratuatlons to the winners. johio‌, 4 yrs, kjvenegas 4 yrs Image result for smoke free 4 yrs

Maggie_quit_8-1-2010 7 yrs.  Image result for 7 years smoke free award

What an achievement.  

I am on with 919 DOF


Image result for award ceremony

Image result for award ceremony


Image result for award ceremony

Grand food for a grand affair

Image result for food for red carpet partyImage result for food for red carpet party


Image result for food for red carpet party

Image result for food for red carpet party

Enjoy the awards ceremony.


Thanks Jackie for picking me up, happy August to you and congrats to you and everyone on board especially your awesome quits especially our triple milestones, yay, yay and yay to each of you, have yourselves a super fantastic day, I'm here with 1014 DOF.


Congrats to our 4 and 7 years that is 11 years combined wooow you guys are doing great!

johio and kjvenegas 4 Yrs.!!!

Maggie_quit_8-1-2010 Blog 7 Yrs !!!!

Wow!  Amazing. 

I'll join that ride with my 14 DOF 2 weeks! Lee


congratulations coreinstincts on your splendiforous 14 glorious smoke free days, two spectacular weeks of Freedom and counting WTG!


Big congrats going out to all our winners today!  

Train got an early start!  Thanks Jackie!


Awesome train JACKIE1-25-15‌! Classy dining too, sorry to show up in a t-shirt and cut off

Congratulations to the celebrants!

Thanks Lady!

Dian, 30 DOF 


Wow- Congratulations to all those great milestones today.

Thanks for picking me up Jackie.

I am riding with 1477 Days of freedom.



Hi Mags  I am hopping on today the 1st. day of Aug. What happened with July - it just flew by.

Time flys by when we are having fun.

Lillian (vanlil) 409 dof


Congrats Everyone! Big milestones today!!

Kristen 694 DOF


Thanks for picking me up today JACKIE1-25-15‌, hope you enjoyed your fishing this weekend.  We have some seriously impressive milestones to celebrate today, CONGRATULATIONS on SEVEN years to Maggie_quit_8-1-2010 , I tried to send a direct message but see that her profile has been archived.  Congratulations to johio‌, my good friend from the beginning and to kjvenegas  BOTH with FOUR YEARS each...I am coming up behind you.

I worked hard yesterday and could not get up today, my hands are killing me so typing is seriously painful.  I am boarding the train today with 1290 DOF.

Congratulations to EVERYONE on this train and on this site.



Maggie!!!  Lucky 7, eh?!!   Sweet!   

kjvenegas  - way to go on the ...    

And Joe - you're rocking it!!!


johio  and  kjvenegas on 4 Yrs!

maggie-8-1-2010  on 7 Yrs!


This is a great train ride Jackie  that shrimp cocktail is right up my alley !!! Thanks so much for the ride and for conducting this awesome Freedom Train !!! Boy oh boy a lot of milestones today !!!

     Congrats to johio on your 4 years !!!! awesome !

            Congrats to kjvenegas‌ on your 4 years !!! fantastic !

Maggie_quit_8-1-2010 Blog Hope you stop by to celebrate Maggie ,7 years is an enormous number and a huge achievement !!

Here are some more goodies to add to the celebration food veggies on a stick.jpgfood chocolate cake.jpg

Keep rocking those quits !sayings rock your quit 4.jpg


Hi ya Jackie and thank you for conducting the train today and picking me up today for this awesome train ride. Oh my the food looks so yummy.  Congratulations johio and kjvenegas  on your awesome 4 years and big Congratulations to  on those great big 7 years .  I am riding with 445 days.


Jackie, thank you so much for acknowledging my 7 year quit!  I appreciate it and you


Will you cater my next event - purty please!


Thanks so much and keep your focus on your goal!


I got your message and wrote you a thank you note!


WOW Giulia! Loved the 7, really cute. Thank you so much too! ❤️


Thanks so much for the cake!  Where I live hardly anyone eats cake. They are all into pie.  Also thank you for acknowledging my progress! Hope you are well!


Oh my - chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! Yummy!  My best to you Bonnie


Maggie_8-1-2010  I got your note, thank YOU, thanks for checking in with those of us who are following in your footsteps!


Hi Ellen! I'm still learning my way around this site. The contents are very 'new to me' so I'm trying to get up to speed.  Please forgive me if I miss something and feel free to send me a direct email. Do you already have that? Wishing you a wonderful day! I haven't gone to bed yet so I best get there before morning dawns out here on the West coast!  


Oops, I goofed cause this note was meant for Elvan. Sorry, but you have a great day also!

Acerca del autor
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.