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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


Have you "tried your best to fight the craves and can't seem to win?" Are you sitting there scratching your head about what went wrong and feeling like you can "never win?" I'll tell you something I learned Thanks to the Elders who helped me launch the adventure of my lifetime - Smoke FREE Living! 

I came here like most of us not knowing anything about Nicotine Addiction and was told to read and I did! It really helped but there was this guy who I thought was goofy (Thank Goodness I now know that he was spot on!) His name is James and his moniker is the Happy Quitter! ....Say what? what's there to be happy about? Strong, yes! Determined, yes! Stubborn, fierce, a fighter! But happy??? As I thought about it, something really clicked and the light bulb came on! 




I had been fighting the Nico-Demon with willpower! What could be more effective than that? But I was missing the essential...The Nico-Demon is ME!!!!!


So when I was fighting myself, how could I win without losing??? And guess what, the loser had been the part that wanted to be FREE! You can't be FREE when you're fighting!!!! 

This fellow James had something - something I really, really wanted! he was not just Quit - He was Happy being Quit! 

So how do you handle the craves if you don't fight??? What do you do instead? 

There's a fellow here named Tommy who repeatedly told me to use Focus and Determination. Could I combine these 2 great pieces of advice? Think about Focus for a minute....




When you focus with determination instead of fighting with determination, the whole picture changes! I had changed my perspective! The Nico-demon became more blurry, less important and the object of my Focus increased in POWER - the POWER to WIN! And what was that very important object of my FOCUS?




FREEDOM from the Chains of Addiction! 

FREEDOM to be the ME that my Creator made me to be!

FREEDOM from pain, suffering, illness, devastation!

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize and ignore the Nico-Demon - but don't fight Him because HE IS ME! Just Focus on the Prize! Will He scream for attention? Oh yea! But when you ignore Him long enough, He loses energy - your Energy is on your Prize! And He gets weaker....and weaker...and weaker...and becomes a little bitty gnat that once in a great while bugs you but you easily have the POWER to swat Him back into His place tiny! So worthless! 








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56 Respuestas

I’m not sure why it is but I’m getting ‘alerts’ on this post and beginning to feel grateful that I am!! So many people on EX really played a role in saving me! I may have done the work but I would have never made it without all your encouragement, expertise, support, advice and love!! Thank, thank you, thank



I think someone posted on the blog, and all who originally participated are notified from that.

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That's Ok

I'm just glad folks still find it useful. I can't find anything here anymore 

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No aplicable

Awesome @Thomas3.20.2010 . So happy to see your post here this morning . Congrats on 4768 . 7C93E12C-47CB-4047-B9A9-3E84213A89CC.gif

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How ARE you?  Good to see you!


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Good! How are you, Nancy? I miss you!



I am doing well.  Osteoporosis gave me a run for my money for a few years resulting in a rash of falls and broken bones.  I think I have finally figured out that I need to be mindful where I put my  feet, to think about what I am doing in the moment instead of ten steps ahead.  Took me long enough!

We miss you, Thomas!  How are YOU?


0 Kudos

Doing quite well. I have been able to manage COPD quite well with nutrition and exercise. I'm doing a sleep apnea test tonight - no fun at all. Who said retirement would be less stressful? Lol! 


The reason they call this time of our lives the Golden Years?  It's golden for the physicians, surgeons, pharmacies, labs - certainly not for US!

Glad to hear your COPD is better controlled. 

Do stay in touch!



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Getting these notifications today and it’s like a family reunion!!  Makes me smile to see all of our gang together.  I still thank all of my Exers that pulled me kicking and screaming to success. Love you all that were here in 2013.  10 years and counting.