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Which type of quitter will you be?

Quitting smoking is a process. It can be learned and practiced, just like anything else. Did you learn how to drive by getting in a car by yourself and winging it? Probably not. And if you did, you probably weren’t very successful.

Let’s look at two different types of quitters. Quitter A did not prepare themselves, they just stopped smoking because they think that’s how it’s done. Quitter B educated themselves and made a plan. Let’s see how they do…

Day 1

Quitter A: I haven’t had a cigarette in 2 hours and I’m freaking out! I want one so bad it’s driving me crazy, it’s all I can think about. I knew this would be hard but this is so much harder than I thought. Last time I quit it was the same thing, after a few hours I just couldn’t take it anymore and now it’s happening again. Why can’t I quit?

Quitter B: It’s my quit day and while I’m nervous, I’m also excited!  I’ve read the materials you all gave me, I’ve got my plan, I know what to expect, and I know this will be soooo worth it a few months from now. I’m 2 hours into my quit and feeling okay so far; I had tea instead of coffee this morning and that helped a bit. Thanks everyone for your support, I know I’ll be GLUED to this site for the next couple of weeks!

Day 3

Quitter A: The last 3 days have been the worst days of my life, I’m crying uncontrollably and I’m so miserable I just want to smoke, I can’t cope, I NEVER felt this bad when I smoked!  Why is this so hard? I can’t work, I can’t sleep, all I can think about is a cigarette. I screamed at my dog this morning and my husband is telling me if I’m going to be such a lunatic b*tch I should just start smoking again. Maybe he’s right. Help!

Quitter B: It’s been a tough few days but I’m doing okay. I’m drinking lots of water and riding out the cravings with deep breathing. It’s true, the craving only lasts a minute or two if you don’t focus on it. The toughest part is not knowing what to do with myself, feeling so restless. But I’ve got my list of distractions and I’m looking forward to cleaning out my Tupperware cabinet to pass the time tonight – that’s a chore that’s long overdue! I haven’t been sleeping very well but I know that’s part of the process. So I’m a little edgy but managing it as best I can. I know this will be worth it!

Day 7

Quitter A: I made it a week, and I haven’t slipped once! Guess I’ve finally got this under control. It’s too bad I can’t smoke anymore, I don’t know what I’ll do when I get stressed over something, that’s when I want to smoke the most. I walk by the smokers outside the office and it smells so good, I almost grabbed one out of their hands yesterday, haha! Well at least I made it this far, maybe I’m finally over this addiction thing!

Quitter B: One week, wahoo!  Thank you all so much for your encouragement, I’m feeling pretty good!  My sleep is starting to get back to normal, and I’m going for long walks with the dog every day, without getting out of breath! I had a really bad craving out of nowhere yesterday, but I just closed my eyes and visualized the craving as a cloud floating away. Then I came here and blogged. It’s so helpful writing about it, and reading everyone else’s blogs. Part of me still wants to smoke but there are other things I want in my life more, like my health, so I just have to keep telling myself that smoking isn’t an option.

Day 14

Quitter A: It’s been two weeks, wow! I slipped last night and had a couple while at a bar with my friends but I’m back on track today. They tasted pretty bad, but it was just too hard to resist. I guess smoking only when I drink is better than smoking every day, right?

Quitter B: Two weeks! This is usually where I would give in and smoke in my past quits but not this time, I know better!  I’m feeling good, this has been so much easier than my past attempts. I’ve already got more energy, I can smell things again. I know there will be some bumpy times ahead, like the first time I’m at a bar, but I’m not even going to try that until I know I’m in a stronger position. Still having to distract myself from some odd cravings here and there, but it’s getting easier and easier to do. And I hope this isn’t TMI but I’m really constipated too… I read that can be part of quitting, how odd. Oh well, at least I know it’s normal.

Day 30

Quitter A: (no longer on the site because their resumed their pack-a-day routine on Day 16)

Quitter B: Well I’m officially entering No Man’s Land, thanks to all of you who told me about it and what to expect. It’s good to know the support doesn’t end after a month, and I still have some changes to go through. Some rough days here and there, but I’m feeling really good overall. I’m a little worried about an upcoming vacation but with everything I’ve learned I think I’ll be ready. Can I swap phone numbers with one of you in case I need to talk to someone while I’m there?

(We could keep going, but I think you get the idea… and if you think I’m making this up, read through the blogs on any given day… you will see these two types of quitters, clear as day…)

So, which type of quitter do you want to be?

Quitting Smoking Timeline 
WhyQuit: Nicotine Dependency Recovery 

Become An EX Smoker, Learn to Quit Smoking, Stop Smoking Cigarettes     click on “Get Your Plan”

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45 Respuestas

This is THE BEST blog I have read to date.


Love this, Sarah!  It really shows the contrast!

xxxooo,   Sky

0 Kudos

Sarah,   you are so smart!!!   I loved this blog.  

I hope people can see who they are, who they want to be and "just do it".


0 Kudos

One of the best blogs!  You nailed it, Sarah!  

Attitude is EVERYTHING!

0 Kudos

A GREAT blog! Thanks!

0 Kudos

Thanks sarah

0 Kudos

Every other quit has been like quitter A this time I am quitter B

0 Kudos

Excellent blog. Love, love, love it!

0 Kudos

You are so awesome Sarah!!! Just like this blog!! I hope every single newbie reads it!!