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Share your quitting journey

Day 6

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What a difficult day yesterday. Super frustrated with anything and everything and full of anger. Not sure where all of that came from. Those feelings were definitely a challenge! I used my new coping tools to stay smoke free!      I leaned on my friends for support, talked about what was going on in my head, didn’t try to go it alone. Had some chocolate (not healthy snacks but that was ok   ). Took short walks. And the tool that allowed me to finally let go of that anger.....calmly sitting in my chair, closed my eyes, and did the 20 deep breaths. I put everything into those 20 breaths....and let it all go. Finally relief came. So so grateful for this community! Had I not been a part of this journey with you all I might not have had the tools I needed to be ready to attack what came at me yesterday. Who needs cigarettes?!? NOT THIS CHICK!!!  

Last night my hubs and I ran some errands. On the way home he said “Do you realize you have saved yourself from smoking a minimum of 100 cigarettes already?!?” When he said that it stopped me for a minute....I truly felt proud of myself. I mean like really proud of myself. Toot! Toot! (That’s my own horn   ). 

So...moral of my story today is make sure to have that coping tool box FULL of ideas so that when one doesn’t work you have another tool to try. Smoking isn’t an option so there are no cigs in my tool box...and I love it that way! 

Gotta get movin and start my Day 6. My kitties are over this blog and want now.  

Peace ✌   Love ❤️ and smoke free all day!!

Jodi 5 Days of Beautiful Freedom

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