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NML & In-betweener Check In 4/30/18 – Quititude - Calling Everyone for Input!!!

We have this discussion every Monday to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in NML, basically months 2-3-4 of a quit and for those who have not yet reached the 6% Club (1 year quit). Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


We are happy if you just stop by to say hi and let us know you are still with us in NML.  Feel free to offer up ideas on topic question and I will include them in next week’s post!  Stop by daily or as often as you like!  Don’t forget to post to the Daily Pledge! 



This week’s topic: Quititude!


DLHaffner suggested....gratitude...what differences have you noticed since you became a non-smoker.  What are you grateful for?


My list goes on and on…I will post it in the comments.  I wrote a blog not too long ago about Quititude where I list some some of the positives since I have quit smoking.  My blog on Quititude 


Thomas3.20.2010  wrote one as well /blogs/Thomas3.20.2010-blog/2014/02/19/quititude 


A blog from 2009:  /blogs/Tigs-blog/2009/01/23/quitting-is-great-because 


 Try a search on the site for Quititude and/or gratitude and you will find a lot of great information! 

Whether you are in or out of NML, please share why you are grateful and the positives of quitting smoking.  I am sure we can all find ONE reason!

ENJOY the journey! 


Click here to read Larry’s story of how the Caravan Master came into being:  /blogs/oldbones-larry/2018/04/21/the-caravan 

 Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months: /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months?sr=search...


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club and graduate to eventually become an Elder!


Please let me know if you are interested in posting the NML Weekly Check In.  I am happy to continue it, share it, or pass it to the nEXt EXer in NML who is ready, willing, and able.

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11 Replies

These are just a FEW of my reasons....

  • Not having to go out in the freezing cold or rain to smoke. Not having to go out in the humid heat to smoke.
  • Flight delays in an airport; long airline flights - I don't need to worry about when I can have that next cigarette.
  • Hotel Rooms or Rental cars - Hoping I don't get caught for smoking in a rental car or room and not having to carry super air freshener to try to cover up the smoke smell.
  • Panicking when you don't see where you CAN smoke - I can find these so easily now just from the smell and then it makes me smile since I don't do that anymore!
  • Walking into a room knowing I don't stink like cigarette smoke (I may stink, but it isn't from smoke!)
  • Being able to move and being able to condition my lungs to do more and more daily!
  • Feeling a huge sense of accomplishment that I am a successful EX-smoker!
  • Not worrying about being a hypocrite for my kids; don't smoke....and used to sneak away to light up.  So stupid and stressful....not anymore!
  • Finding an amazing community full of people who get it.  When I need help, you are all there and understand.

Happy Monday, roller831!  Great post today! I am checking in with 126 days and am grateful for:

  • Being able to say "I don't smoke" when applying for apartments
  • Having a house that smells good for prospective buyers
  • No ashes in the back seat of my car (they always got back there!)
  • No coughing in the morning!  Or anytime, really.  Kind of a miracle.

 Good morning roller831‌ and AnnetteMM‌!!!  Today I have 56 Days of FREEDOM!  I totally related to all of the things you both listed.  Thank you for choosing  Quititude and Gratitude for our topic this Monday. 

Every day I notice things I'm grateful for as a non-smoker...I've lost nothing and gained so much!

  • I am starting the IVF process and got to report to the Doctor last week that I hadn't smoked for 50 days!  She congratulated me and prescribed Chantix for my husband.
  • I don't smell like smoke or an ashtray or perfume covering up a smokey ashtray! I used to avoid people after I smoked and I no longer have to!
  • Breathing....clear breathing and deep breaths, I used to gasp for air if I walked too much and would apologize to co-workers while I tried to catch my breath after walking between buildings.  I also used to have to record some of our phone prompts and I'd have to really work at not recording a wheezy deep breath in between what I was reading.
  • My family is proud of me, I've smoked since I was a teen and a lot of them knew that.
  • A friend hugged me this weekend and said 'Oh' your hair smells good'...not sure the last time someone told me that.
  • I can enjoy right here, right now.  I used to spend my time not smoking thinking about when I could have my next smoke and being only half present in whatever I was doing.
  • Food tastes amazing...a little too amazing
  • Clean car, no more ashy back seat and no more ashes all over the exterior driver side from flicking ash out the window.
  • Watching TV shows the whole way through

This list is almost identical to one I had previously posted but I am grateful for all of these things and many more on a daily basis. I can't believe I haven't smoked for 56 days!  If I can do this, so can you.  The first few weeks were tough but survivable!  I thank God every day for another day without a cigarette!  I am still uncomfortable some of the time, especially on the weekend, but I know that will go away eventually if I continue on this path.  If I smoke it will never go away.   Thank you to this site and all the EX-ers long timers and new. 

Have a beautiful day!




CONGRATULATIONS, you are doing a beautiful job!


Thank you elvan‌!

0 Kudos

Yup !.................................

#Smokefree Susan shares what kept her motivated to stay quit.


Yikes! I just realized I only have 15 days left as a "tweener"!  Feeling guilty for not checking in here more often.  I honestly don't notice my increased health and wealth.  Both just quickly became part of my new normal, so I don't appreciate them as much as I should.  But I still feel extremely grateful for all of the extra time.  Not only the time wasted physically smoking cigarettes, but the inordinate amount of time I spent planning my next one, and trying to mask the evidence of my last one.  


Hello All~

  • I am grateful that my daughter doesn't hear "back door" from our alarm system every time I went out to smoke. It always gave me away!
  • I'm also grateful that she tells me I smell good. She used to talk about how my mother and her Godmother (my best friend) smell and I was always jealous.
  • It's 3:25 PM now.  During my smoking days, this was when I'd begin to get anxious waiting for my 5PM cigarette.  I didn't smoke during the work day because I didn't want anyone to know. My coworkers were all shocked when I told them I quit because they never knew.
  • I don't get winded as quickly during exercise
  • I'm single and date occasionally.  Now when I tell a gentleman I don't's the truth.  I lied quite a bit because I'm always attracted to non-smokers.
  • As much as I thought I enjoyed smoking, I always wanted to quit because I knew I was hurting myself.  I'm thrilled to have crossed that off my bucket list.  This past Friday was my 55th birthday and my 125th felt great to know I may have given myself few more birthdays.


128 DOF

It's time for I just bookmarked the page so I can return here,hopefully tomorrow!

Prairie 84 DOF