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Share your quitting journey

The Ex Cafe

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Repost from my blog, April 13, 2012    /blogs/c2q-blog/2012/04/30/ex-cafe-grand-opening 

I just got off Jackie's Freedom Train, and I am Thinking Backward. I am remembering when quitting was a ball. A journey, a goal, shared with my crazy friends at EX. I think the most fun I ever had was at the Ex Cafe. Here is the first post about it. I am going to reopen it soon.


Welcome to the grand opening of the EX Café

The EX Café offers an extensive assortment of menu items to delight the Ex in you. From the whiner’s corner table to the EXecutive private lounge, the EX Café is here to help you keep your quit.

Our grand opening dinner is dedicated to all of my friends here whose companionship, kick-in-the-butt-ship, and support strengthened my quit. It is also dedicated to all of you still working to make this quit stick. Relax. Enjoy life. You can do it!

I’m happy to present our debut menu celebrating year one of my homecoming to my smoke-free self. Menu item descriptions follow the picture.



The orange cat

Any orange cat you see can turn into Picasso at any time

you decide your reality

are you an Ex?



First breath soup

Quitting smoking is like a baby’s first breath –

scary as hell, but many people have done it before.

Take a breath, grab a quit buddy or distraction,

and quit.



Fresh pledge

Sweet yet savory, a pledge a day

is one of the best recipes for a solid quit.

With a pledge, words do make it so.

I hope you try it.



Chicken exhorter duxelle

Got urges that just stay under your skin no matter what?

Use your imagination to make them go away.

I stuffed mine into this dish and ate it.



C2q cake

A quit is hardest in the beginning, or not.

Your success depends on your ability to commit.

You just have to do it, but you also have to just do it.

Commit to the quit.

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