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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

1 1/2 days quit

I quit monday night 10:30pm June 2nd. I hadn't picked a quit date. I am on Chantix, was planning on quiting, and was driving home from school (Masters Program) and just didn't stop to buy smokes. I figured I would make that my quit night. So yesterday really sucked. But today I am here writing this, instead of out having a cigarette.
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6 Replies

Good for you, Texan!! That's the best way to quit - JUST DO IT!! You are half way to having the toxins all removed from your system. 72 hours is the norm. From there it is all about the habit and the addiction. Another slogan to keep in mind is NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)Hang on tight and welcome to HELL Week. This won't be easy, but I have a feeling you are up for the challenge.

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YAY!!! im so proud to hear that! its the best feeling to quit randomly and feel like you can do it. I feel picking a date puts so much more stress on that day than there would be if u woke up one morning and said, screw it I quit. So happy for you, best of luck!!!
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Thanks everybody, today is easier, Chantix does help but still the psychological part sucks. I think I am going to go run 2 1/2 miles today that should give me even more reinforcement to stay quit.
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Super Decision ..... hope to see you here for more milestones
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Did the 2 1/2 miles, 22 minutes. For once my lungs didn't hurt afterward. Gonna run again today and just concentrate on not quiting (running that is). Last night (2nd day quit) was rough. Went to bed early, woke up in the middle of the night and just wanted a smoke. Had cigars in the house, really tempting. Kept the cigars and just reminded myself that I am stronger than that. So still smoke free and intend to keep it that way
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