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Ok, I am ready

Hi Joe, I am here and ready to get in shape. How is this going to work?
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3 Replies

Me too. : )
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That is pretty cool. OK ARE YOU READY.....

Actually I have been working since June 15. 3 days after my quit. I had to keep busy. I am going tothe gym 6 days a week. Sometimes 5.
I alternate upper and lower body workouts and do cardio every day. Speed walk on the treadmill for 1 mile.

Sunday I joined an Ab contest. 6 weeks to get the most definition. I have not done Abs in 20 years. I am not a fatty but i could use more work in the Ab area. So why don'y we commit to a workout svhedule? Do you belong to a gym?

My Ab workout is 3 sets of 12 crunches with 90 lbs on my shoulders. The 3 sets of 12 situps with 70 lbs on my shoulders. Needless to say this workout is kicking my A**. I am doing that 5x, a week. You could do the same minus the weight. 3 sets of leg lifts. Just lay on the floor and lift your legs 3 - 4 inches in the air and hold for 15 seconds. Do 30 of those. You can do that while watching TV at home.

Upper Body
Lats, Bench press, Row, bicip, tricep, pushups and dips. 3 sets of 12. Choose your weight. Whatever is comfortable for you.

Lower Body
Leg curls, Leg Press, reverse leg curls, Squats, 3 sets of 12. choose your weight.

Remember alternate days.

Wrist curls - 3 sets of 12. 2 or 3 times per week. whenever you fit em in.
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Joe, make sure you note that there is a two day rest in between working out the same body parts for muscle repair.

Question, I've been going to the gym for cardio and some light weight workouts of various body parts. I want to start alternating upper/lower but don't know when/how/how much cardio. I usually do 30 minutes then the weights...mostly arms and abs (hanging knee raises) because my legs are very toned.

What do you suggest?
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