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Give and get support around quitting


New members like myself needing help with using this site and support to quit smoking

Hello!! I am a new member and I need all the support I can get to help me quit smoking. I have tried several times to quit but I continue to smoke. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
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4 Replies

This is a really good place to start. I have tried to quit several times I am now on day 12 and feeling good. The support here has been invaluable. Have you started the becomeanex program tracking your cigs and finding out what your triggers are etc. All of that helps too. Just get started and ask for help if you need it.
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I tried to many times to count. But when my 10 yr old looked at me and said when she got big she was going to smoke like me. That was like she was stabing me in my heart. So I did the cut down then the quit. I am not going to lie to you and say it is a walk in the park it is hard but with this program on your side I think you can do it. I know it really helped me. I have been quit for 3 Months, 4 Weeks, 2 Days, 11 hours, 34 minutes and 40 seconds (122 days). I have saved $918.61 by not smoking 3,674 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 5 Days, 18 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/22/2008 8:00 PM
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Stopping smoking is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. They say "You have to be ready" but I never was ready! If you can, get some Wellbutrin and start taking it for a few weeks before you quit. I found that it really helped to soothe my nerves those first few weeks. I'm also using the patch and it helps too. Use everything available to help you through your struggle and make a plan for yourself. It is so worth it but it is not easy. Good luck to you!
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I dont think there is a right way to quit. We are all in this together..... I couldnt use the patch, gum, meds ect. I had to go cold turkey. (And at this point 2 weeks and counting ) Its working for me. I am a Nicotine Addict and the aides made me smoke free but then I wasnt willing to give up the aides (Lozengers,gum ect) Im feeling great and am so very greatful to have found this site. Wish I had found it long ago. I have struggled a bit alone (No relapses or slip-ups though)doing this until I stumbled upon this site
Nicotine Free 15 days
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