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Smokefree for a month

The craving come on for a few minutes so I used lozenges medication.  Then I can just forget about the craving.  I don’t know if I will slip up without the medication.  That’s my fear but I will keep my quit even without my medication.  So far my quit has been easy compared with my last quit.  But I am still early in my quit.  I am still waiting for that strong withdraw crave.  I might have to wait for months for that kind of craving.  That’s when I lost my last quit.  I remember using e-cigarettes and the battery went dead then the strong withdrawal came.  I remember the craving was relentless so I bought a pack of cigarettes and started smoking it.  I have not been smoking cigarettes for six months. I still lost my quit.  So this time around I know I won’t be using e-cigarettes for my nicotine craving because its doesn’t work.  I have strengthened my resolve to not smoke cigarettes again because I don’t see a point in doing it anymore.

11 Replies

Welcome to NML.

This is the period from days 30 to 130 (more or less) when most people lose their quit.

You will find your camel tied over there on your right. It is fully packed for your journey.

That big club tied to the right side of the pack is to smack Nic and his bunch if they raise their heads out there to tempt you and try to lure you back into their fold.

Stop and replenish supplies and rest at each oasis. They are always stocked with supplies for this purpose.

Beware of traps set by Nic and his gang. They can be anywhere out there in those wastes.

Be especially careful at the Relapse Rocks. Desolation point is in the middle of them and you don’t want to fall over the edge there.

Travel safely and always remember ……

One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be.

Larry the Caravan Master


You are on the right road to recovery.  One day at a time.  Look for the good days, they will outway the bad days. Keep it real, you can do this no matter what NOPE will keep you free.  Keep it going. 


You're doing great at a month.  You learn from the past mistakes and keep moving forward 1 day at a time 

You got this


Congrats on one month! Be sure to stay close! 




congratulations confetti.jpgHappy for your decision to quit smoking and vaping! Congratulations on one month free!!

Stay close. Read posts and blog everyday. Are you committing to maintain your quit on the daily pledge blog and participating in the shout your stats blog to announce your daily progress TO YOURSELF and to others? 

These are two activities which I find helpful. Keep on keeping on, one day at a time. Repeat to yourself: Not One Puff, No Matter What and your number of quit days will start building!!


Congrats on one month smoke free.  Definitely read about NML.  Everyone may not experience it, but be prepared gives you the tools to make it through that period without smoking.  Reach out for support before you return to smoking/vaping.  



Congratulations on one month. Great work and decision making. Smobriety is maintained one day at a time--we all work it that way--that way we get to chunk things down into manageable sizes. If anyone of us had to deal with our whole life all at once, we'd break in pieces. Definitely keep it one day at a time, one step at a time.  Thanks for sharing your success.

