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OCD Smoking

Most of my smoking was Obsessive and Compulsive. Like while I was on the phone talking, texting or especially waiting for pages to load. I'd want to chain smoke Compulsively. With waking up and after tasks I'd Obsessively think I should have a cigarette.

Using a straw to "puff" on has kept my mouth and hand occupied. It even helped me cut way back from over a pack a day to 1/2 a pack before my quit date.

Just realizing this was what was going on with me helped tremendously. I hope this helps someone else. 

Mostly I'm wondering what other strategies others out there are using to deal with this kind of problem. Any ideas or other thoughts on OCD smoking?

8 Replies

I had a jigsaw puzzle out and if I was on the phone I would work on it while talking and it helped redirect my want to go outside and talk and smoke...also, limited phone conversations for awhile...~ Colleen 313 DOF 

I love puzzles, haven't thought of them for on the phone. Great idea. Thanks

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So many of the things you mentioned, we all did.  We've associated many behaviors with our addiction - nicotine.  Not so sure that it's OCD.  That's why it's so import to create new associations.   Like example Colleen gave you while on the phone.   I kept something in my car to read instead of smoking when I arrived at my destination  a little early.   Video games help my a lot.  The reward cigarette can be difficult.  When I'd take a break from working, I'd smoke.  Now I get on the Ex for a few minutes and go back to work.  There's lots of things you can do.


Conversations with people on here are rewarding. The people I've met like to have fun Y'all also get my mind moving in the right direction. Can we start a conversation Barbscloud? What are you doing this weekend? We've finally got some great weather here in Georgia! My kids are out of school for 4 days so we're putting up the tent in the backyard, having a bonfire with the neighbors, cooking hotdogs, s'mores and it's going to be a blast!


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I don't know what a PM is or how to send one to you

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I just spilled something on my computer and it's not working so I'm on my old one.  Ugh.  A PM is a personal message. Hover over my avatar (picture) and you'll see message at the bottom.  Just click on that.



It's a control thing. Instead of getting frustrated waiting for stuff, you smoked to "do" something. So do something else!