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Struggling to quit

About a month agree I decided that I officially needed to stop vaping. The first week I did a great job of weaning myself off. I only vaped in the morning and after work (I used to vape all day long). I made a deal with myself to not carry it around with me anymore to reduce the habit of doing it.  At one point I went 24hours without vaping. Since then I have got off track. Every time I go buy a vape I tell myself this is the last one until a couple weeks later when I go buy another. My usage is definitely down, but weaning myself off has not worked as I expected. My cravings are really bad when I wake up in the morning, and if I mess up and vape during the day I feel defeated and just continue to do it for the rest of the day. 

A while back I attempted to quit cold turkey and that did not work for me. Sometimes when I drive down the road I just want to throw it out of the window, but I can never bring myself to completely remove all vapes from my life. It's almost like a safety blanket knowing its there in case I get a bad craving. 

Any help would be great. I want to get rid of everything, but I'm not sure I'm strong enough to keep it up. 

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