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Give and get support around quitting


you've been such a big part of my life for 40 years

How am I going to do this. You've been there when 2 husbands left me. you've been there when my 16 year old daughter was murdered. you've been there thru the raising of my 6 other kids and them going off and having lives of there own. you've been there when i had my been down and out and very ill. But the other day I got sick and tired of you. Then I heard of this site. This site has just reinforced my belief that this is a. gift from God Thisn doesn't mean thaqt i aqm not scared but i am going o. i am telling a few peeople and i hqave3 set a date June 20th. so thank you ex. for being here for me.
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13 Replies

Hi Linda. I quit smoking about three years ago after smoking for over 40 years. It wasn't easy but so worth it.
I can give you lots of tips to help so just ask and I will be there for you. Good luck to you!
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You have taken the very important first step in coming here and setting a date to quit. I know it feels as if cigarettes have "been there" for you when no one else was (believe me, I know). Like a friend, even. But a friend would never try to kill you. You have 6 children to be happy and healthy for. We will do what we can to help you achieve a life long quit!
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I used the Ex plan to quit and it was a great way to quit! It builds confidence in your ability to quit and stay quit. If you want support, just post! People will be here to encourage you! You can do it.
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Hello Linda, I totaly understand how WE both have thought of cig.'s as a friend, but I'm on day 5 after smoking for 30 yrs. I'm 43.... but I now know that old Salem 100's were NEVER my friend, I also have been thru some really rough spot's in my life and i turned to them for comfort but I am tring to understand that I am powerful, good, loving, kind and mostly worthy of having a GREAT life & GREAT health, I'm going to counsling to help settle some past issues and that is helping so much. Don't think of it giving or losing something, think of all you'll be GAINING !!!! I've also started walking to help relieve stress and I'm down 2 pounds in 5 days !!!!!! God Bless You, You are in my thoughts and prayers, feel free to add me as a friend
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Hello theresa, I did add you as a friend. It's so great to hear from someone who so totally understands. You know I don't feel so alone and I feel like i can really do this. And you are right smoking was never my friend. Hey did you read man of steete's profile. he put dow the days he has been withouyt and also the cost. it was some thing like $11,000 dollars boy that was a real eye openier for me you ought to read it. please right back soon.
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Hi karen can you ex-plain what you mean by start working the plan before the 20th so I have some ammunition. can I add you as a friend. hey thanks for understanding....
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Linda, Cliff is so right nicotine was not there for you. I always thought that by smoking it was making me feel better, I am only a 19 day quit but I sure do know and see tha that smoking did not help anything.I am not a bible thumper but I started praying and going to church and you know something it is really helping, really helping, I use the patch, I walk, I make it all about me. Do this for yourself, get past the first week, use this website to get yourself prepared for your quit dat, put it off another week if you are not ready on the 20th, but then go for it , realize how much better you feel after a week or of withdrawal symtoms, realize how much more time you have for yourself because you didn't have to stop and have that cig, You can do I will support you and pray for you
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Hi Linda, How are you ??? today is day 21 for me and it felt great to be able to reply NO when asked at the Dr.'s office if I smoked,,, I talked to the Dr. about some of the withdrawl symptions I am having,,,, I'm using the patch,, he told me I could talk something over the counter to help with my sleep, drink lots of water & juice's,, to eat 5 to 7 small portions each day and to keep walking !!! Linda I do feel so much better,,, the mind set I'm dealing with is not to think of giving something up but instead to think of what I'm gaining in return..... looking younger, better smile, better health, more money, losing weight,, the pride of saying nothing controls me anymore, I do feel free from a huge burden !!!! My prayers are with you, You CAN DO THIS,,,, just remeber ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME !!!!
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hey theresa, here irt is august 13th, the reason I dropped out of sight was that I had an unexpected below the knee amputation on jube 18th. I am home now from rehab and still have not quit. But I am re-reading my old post and responses and building myself up again. I did get the patches but have not yet decided on a date yet. Where do I go to get my plan down? I hope you remember me.
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