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Give and get support around quitting


well here i am still missing them!!

for the last 40 days now i have smoked about 8 cigs total!! once in a while i lite up one half take a couple drags and then i am able to go to the bathroom. that is the biggest think i miss is smoking and coffe while in the bathroom. the coffee alone isn't enough!! other than that i used the nicotorl inhaler again to get through, i'm down to about 3 cartridges a day!! i puff on them after i eat or when i have a cup of coffee or just when i feel like i want a cig!! i would like to get off these completely too!! it's been so hard waking up knowing another day without a cig!! i hate it!! but i know i can't have them anymore!! and i don not want to attempt quitting again after all the times i have!! that is pure torture, and i will not torture myself again!! i still can't seem to accept the fact they are gone. i miss them everyday of my life. i keep saying life goes on without them!!! the weight gain has been about 8 pounds, but i hope that goes away!! but cigs are still on my mind at least 70 percent of the day!! is this still normal? and should i still have to use the nicotrol inhaler?, just to feel like im still smoking, or will that get me in more trouble in the end? i also need a lot of teeth work done since i chewed all the gum in the world and ate sticky chewy candies!! constantly still have to be doing something with the mouth!! the depression stays also. had to ditch the wellbutrin after 10 days because it made me hostil, angry and suicidal!! dangerous stuff for some people!! but it did help me with not wanting to eat or smoke as much!! but iwould of killed someone or myself had i stayed on it. i bet chantix has some of the same ingredients as zyban(wellbutrin)!! anyway will this all go away?
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14 Respuestas

well thanks but i did hear that chantix is being watched for people who are prone to depression as it has caused major depression and anyone who has had a mental disorder should not take it. that is why i thought it might have )some of the same things in it as wellbutrin (zyban) because they all work to make u not crave cigs anymore!! well i never tried that one cause i know mine is somuch more emotinal than physical that is why i like the inhaler, it makes me feel as though i am still smoking without the smoke!! i tried the patch ripped it off and smoked, the gum i hated that it was a small piece u have to try to hold in ur cheek which i found impossible cause it was so small, and the wellbutrin i used with the nicotrol which was great, but i turned into a monster!! i didn't even know who i was, but some people can take that i wish i still could!! but no one could stand my personality on that stuff!! anyway, i am dealing the best way i can!! i have quit so many times before and i will not do this again!! if i fall back into that horrible trap i will not quit again!! i don't see myself ever being a smoker again even if i do drage every now and then cause when i do puff on one it is nasty and it makes me realize how much i don't need them and howlong it would take to get used to that awful taste, headaches, cough and all that, but ur right the brain remembers the pleasures though even if it does taste nasty!! well this week is the big test now, i'm gonna try to ween off the inhaler too!! so then i can see what life really islike without any emotional crutch or physical dependence on the nicotine!!!! ty
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We all have basic needs--such as nutrition, safety, health, caring, and creative activity. We also each have many individual values, interests, goals, and desires that reflect unique parts of ourselves. Each of these parts is like a player in the orchestra. When one is repressed, denied repeatedly, and not understood or encouraged, then it will become a discordant player that takes away from the harmony of the orchestra as a whole.
substitute a new, realistic, activity. Try excersize, church, night courses, support groups, book clubs...
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When I am really stressed and "out of balance", sometimes I get into something with ALL my energy. I let it suck up all my free time for a temporary period. Like, learning everything there is to know about XYZ (internet research, books, movies, etc) all about the topic. It really creates clear focus on something of my interest and my choosing- and uses different senses and parts of your brain for a short time. I emerge an "expert" on the subject and feel refreshed and ready to move on. Last time it was cheesecakes. So, if anyone needs to know anything at all about cheesecakes, just ask me:) I am also an expert in ancient Asian gardening techniques, woodburning, stained glass, rumi poetry, etc. You get the idea.....I have alot of stress to manage! 😄
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think of all the cigs your inhaler has already eliminated!!! You're down to the really important ones and your addicted brain will fight to hang on to them. don't give in. It absolutely gets better.
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aloha paula I have read your replys and you got the best advise. I think too by continuing to smoke, even every now and again you are putting your mind and body into a constant state of detoxing. never getting clean enough to let your body relax and forget. if you hate the craves go ahead and pick a quit plan using the patch or the gum. none of it is fun and they all have a bit of a down side but they will get you past the hard part. it is very hard to be happy about all this until you have your body cleaned out. it will happen just don't smoke. its like leaving a best friend, they have been part of your life every waking moment for years it will take time to adjust but it is possible. you are doing great
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what part do you miss most?

do yourself a favor and stop killing yourself with all your excuses for another puff ...
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well u don't see this part when u smoke and it's not my fault that back in the 70's no one ever mentioned it was harmful!! now all of a sudden the past few years it became a big deal!!! and that is an addiction that for some of us is not easy to solve. i got over drugs, and alcohol, but cigs are the hardest by far!! anyone will tell uthat who is highly addicted both physically and mentall, emotionally. alcohol and drugs is just physical, period!! i don't miss that anymore i miss the holding and the smoke going in and out and the weight staying stable and the ease of not having any constipation!! i swear life without these is hell, but i am happy everday i don't have one cuase some people can't make it one day!! i quit about 23 times or more!! ijust have a problem with going back and that's my main problem!!
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i am not afraid of the cancer!! everyone gets that smoker or not!! exsmokers more than ever!! i am afraid of the not being able tobreathe, the headaches i get and sore throats!! all these i didn't have in y teens, 20's and 30's, it started in my 40's!! i don't enjoy smoking as much anymore and thats the reason i have been trying to quit!! but still all in all i loved it!! and it's gone!! emotianally it's kills me!! the depression is awful and ithink about them at least 70 percent of the day!! physically the dependence is pretty much gone!! i am emotionally sick!!
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okay well ithought most people use this because they are in the middle of quitting to!! i didn't know there were experts that have quit for many years on here!! and so i guess that is helpful!! but i will tell u this i know that no 2 peopleare alike!! and i know friends who were 2 pack a day smokers since they were 10 -12 yrs old who quit on first try!! i have cut down to halfa pack a day for last 3 yrs and still can't get quitting right but they could!! so it just goes to show none of us can do it because someone else could!! it's up to us how to fight it and how long we can!! and if we can forever then so good for us!!! if not well that's life too!!! this is a bad habit and dangerous addiction that use to be a carefree enjoyment in life turned crazy and suicidal!! i feel like shooting myself sometimes over the non stop obsession with them!! i can't get my mind off them and thats what is truly killing me!!! going insane is not a good thing either!! so i guess the next step is hypnotism!! or ect in a mental hospital to maybe take it away (THOUGHTS THAT IS) CONSTANT AND PERSISTENT!! OTHER THAN THAT I THINK I AM DOING PRETTY WELL FOR QUITTING SO MANY TIMES, I MAY NEVER GET IT RIGHT BUT AT LEAST I CAN SAY I BEEN SMOKE FREE IN MY LIFE FOR DAYS, WEEKS, AND SOMETIMES MONTHS!!! THAT'S MORE THAN OTHERS CAN SAY TRUST ME I KNOW PEOPLE THAT SAY THEY COULD NEVER GO A WHOLE DAY!! AND THEY WON'T EVEN TRY, AND WHEN THEY DID THEY WENT RIGHT BACK IN A HALF OF DAY!!! THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVICE THOUGH!! IT IS SOMETHING THOUGH THAT WE MUST WANT BAD ENOUGH TO DO IT!!! THAT IS SOMETHING I KEEP BEING TOLD BY MY FRIENDS WHO HAVE QUIT U MUST WANT IT!!!
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