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Give and get support around quitting


share if you are almost without memories of being a smoker!!!!!!!!!!

I just got back ferom maryland, I was taking care of some business, Most of my family is there. It was my cousin bday, I celebrated it with her and many other smokers. This was my first time in a party and drinking atmosphere since I quit 04-23-08. I was worried that I would smoke. Hennisey is my favorite drink, soo soo smooth, but I did not crave a smoke. I just relaxed and enjoyed old time and new friends, most of them were smokers of my old brand Newports 100 in the box. I got so many you look good and im going to quit smoking too from them.

So to all you newbie, take it from almost without memories me, that you will feel better and enjoy life more with out taking a puff. Please hang in there, with time it gets easier.
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2 Respuestas

My advice of support to anyone would be just trust youself and get as much support as you can from all the supportive people here. and hold on to it. and the craving will go away and get replace with a new chapter in you life.
We are winners and have overcome our addiction and will not take another puff.
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Here is my take
I remember waking fuzzy headed, blurry eyed, cotton mouthed, and lighting up as soon as my feet hit the floor.
I remember thinking that was normal.
I remember not going to movies cause I could not stand the thought of two hours without a cigarette, and walking out during the action parts because I could not resist the crave any longer and wondering how all those non smokers could do without.
I remember nicotine hang over after a period of more than my usual 2 packs a day, and thinking I needed a cigarette to feel better.
I remember thinking I would not enjoy life or be able to deal with the stress once I quit.
I remember walking out of a resturant hungry because they did not have a smoking section and the next resturant was miles down the road.
I remember the great taste of a cold beer, or a hot cup of coffee without the need of a cigarette.
I remember being able to go to a resturant and enjoy a long meal without having to leave for a cigarette.
I remember being able to run 3 miles and not be puffing for breath when I'm done.
I remember smelling the blooming roses outside my home from across the yard.
I remember the drop in my blood pressure
I remember that the slightest stress no longer causes the drop in nicotine serum levels causing me to run out to smoke.

I know the calm inner peace that comes from knowing the addiction no longer controls my every waking thought.
I Hope In Some way some where my words of encouragement help another addict.

RJ...Free at Last
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