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Give and get support around quitting


poStepping down on patch

JJI’ve been on 14mg patches for 8 weeks.  Thought it was 6.  Could go longer, but with no obligations for a couple of days thought I would start today.  Have the lozenge backup.  I’ve been so fatigued, dizzy, shakeyand weak, especially at night.  Yesterday aftertastes volunteering. and no nicotine for hours, a Havinga losenge made me feel like it was too much.  It’s taking every bit of will power to get moving.  I'm. Hoping the drop goes  smoother that I’m antidepissating.  Sure would feel,hopeful if I could I  feel,some enthusiasm.  Wish me luck!

18 Replies

Gwenivere‌ that sounds like low blood sugar and are you on anti anxiety meds?   or everyone else could be right its just withdraw pains.  hugs. good luck.


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 Yes, I am on anxiety medication.  I have panic disorder since 1987.  Quitting smoking is definitely a challenge adding the extra anxiety that comes with it.   Appreciate the hugs!


I had a doctor tell me a long time ago that the reason most smokers complain about feeling disoriented and unable to concentrate has to do with the fact that they have forgotten how to breathe.  He told me to THINK about it...take a deep breath in...just like you would have to inhale on a cigarette and then SLOWLY and through pursed lips...let that breath out.  I found it very helpful and I blow bubbles sometimes to remind myself to stay in control of my breathing.  It really helps.

You don't need any luck, you just need the same solid commitment you have demonstrated.  This is about being WILLING to go through whatever is necessary.  I am so proud of you and I found the spell check corrections to be rather amusing.  I was able to figure them out.  

I am really proud of you for staying close to the site.



Now I have to get a.blood draw for my hypothyroidism.  Seems quitting can make it worse and mine has been out of whack for years.  I’ve never done anything so 'good' for myself like quitting and felt so awful.

@marcium, Thanks for the link on anxiety and depression.  I don’t feel cigs played a role in either.  Panic runs in the family plus I was abusing cocaine. The depression hit a few years later from facing a possible divorce.  Smoking was the same, no more, no,less.  I don’t think we can blame smoking for all the ills andvtrials life throws us.  I saw just as many non smokers face a serious of stressors.  And if it did, what help Is that?  I’ve got to deal with the now.  If things get better, I will be thrilled.  Just trying to crawl thru each day,, especially with cutting out more nicotine.   As always, I appreciate your input.  

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Gwenivere‌ My oldest daughter quit smoking over 3 1/2 years ago, she has battled a screwed up thyroid for a long time and it has not gotten any easier.  She has to keep having her medication adjusted.  My youngest, who never smoked, also has thyroid issues but she has been on the exact same dose for 15 years, since she was diagnosed.  I don't know if smoking cessation plays a role in thyroid but I wouldn't be surprised since thyroid can play a HUGE role in psychological health.  When our youngest was diagnosed, she was only 14 and we were told that she probably had thyroid cancer.  She didn't but I can tell you that after the first dose of synthroid, she was a different person.  Before that, I thought she was having a particularly difficult time with adolescence and she made me cry every day because she was just MEAN.  Once she was on medication, she was my loving daughter again.  It was really a profound change in her personality.

I so hope that things settle for you.




Thyroid problems are SO complicated for most people.  Finding the right 'recipe' can take forever it seems.  I can’t take synthroid so I take Armor as it has T3 in it already.  I’ve asked to have it tested again since I haven’t since I quit.  There’s a good reason it’s called the master gland of our bodies as you found out thru your kids.


My mother, my brother, and my sister all have had thyroid issues.  It is the ONE thing in MY body that is apparently working.

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Actually a big thing to be grateful for since it controls just about everything.  You’ve faced so much, I’m glad you don’t have that on your plate too.

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Good point...I think that, at one time, I was hoping that it would explain my overwhelming fatigue, BOTH of which go along with RA and COPD.  I AM grateful, thanks.