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Give and get support around quitting


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Hi all, just joined this site after seing the TV commercial. I'm 38 and have been smoking since I was 12. Never really tried quitting before but I think as I'm getting older I'm becoming more health conscious plus the smokes keep getting more expensive. That's a nice sum of money that could be saved over time.I did check out the EX site and got some great ideas onhow to start this thing. wish me luck 🙂
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13 Replies

I am attaching another PDF, it is shorter and more geared to the withdrawl period. Specifically pay attention to keeping blood sugar levels up.
I had no idea how nicotine was used as a replacement for food, I just thought I was never hungry and naturally thin.

An educated quit is much easier than a non educated pause.
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SUNNY New Graphics - MySpace/Friendster

Wishing you all the best. I know you can do it. It will be tough at first but it is well worth it. I smoked for about 30 years as a closet smoker. So I had no means of support. I have quit many times before only to go back again. This time this one group along with another support group i'm in has been a great means of encouragement and support. I also feel accountable to them - I don't want to have to say I slipped!! LOL!!! Although I'm sure they would encourage me and just tell me to get back on that horse again.

I would read all the information that Dr. Hurt shows you and maybe do it by seperating cigs and all. I ended up quitting cold turkey but that was just me. And I know about the health issues - they were starting to scare me. And who likes paying almost 7 dollars a pack. I mean I could take an extra vacation every year with the amount I was spending on cigs. I just wish you all the best - Quitting is one of the best decsisions you can make for yourself!!!! Many blessings!!! Cindy
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Tank you so much Cindy. The welcomes have been almost over whelming. I don't think I realized how bad this thing was, well still is for me, until I started reading on here. I tried the Ex "just wait 5 minutes" method and it works. Only had one cigarette instead of my normal4 to 5 with coffee this morning. If I can overcome the morning urge, the rest should be a kinder spiel (childs play) lol. Trying to figure out how to change mypage w/ additional photos etc and can't figure it out. Getting frustrated and wanting a smoke trying to create a non smokers mypage lol.
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I'm not the most computer savey but I have been able to do some things. It takes time and not sure I could walk you through it - I am going to check your page now and see what you have. And Awesome job with those morning cigs. Just remember ONE DAY AT A TIME - ONE MOMENT AT A TIME and you will be able to do this. I believe in you.
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