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Give and get support around quitting


love this group name..

Isn't that the truth! I will tell you, I met this really nice guy and we started dating, and I was really starting to like him and we got along great. After a few weeks, he admitted to me that he thought he could get passed the smoking thing, but couldn't. He didn't want to date a smoker and that was that, there was nothing I could do. That had never happened to me before and I felt upset as well as disgusted. I swore I would quit smoking, and so now here I am at day 28! We can all do this if we just remember we are addicts and we can never smoke another cigarette!!

I am so glad I found this website, and thanks for everyone's who posted advice today on my blog, I appreciate it so much!
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8 Replies

OMG same thing has happened to me before to.. Guys will talk about how beautiful and smart I am and then they find out that I'm a smoker...then they just disappear. Granted I want to be with someone who likes me for me, but at the same time I cannot blame them. I wouldn't want to date a guy who uses coke no matter how good looking or smart he is!


Miss J.D
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I can totally relate to your situation. I mean years ago I was seeing this guy from the Navy who got was called away to Korea, then Hawaii-in all, he's been away for the past FIVE years. So he finally returned to Cali a couple weeks ago & we'd been so anxious to see one another again after all this time. We met up the other night& all too soon, I was in need of a smoke..I excused myself to go outside& he wanted to join me-but I could tell that when I lit up he was noticeably bothered. There he was, smelling as heavenly as could be.. & I sat there w/my cancer stick. Long story short-he thinks i'm a whole lot less attractive smoking.
I'll admit I dont necessarily like the way my hair, clothes & car smell when I smoke, and I cant imagine him wanting to kiss someone who reeks of nicotine.. It is certainly a challenge when you've smoked for so many years, if it was simple I would've quit many many yrs ago! Didnt have this kind of support before either. 🙂
Miss J.D. you do have a poin in your view on wanting to be w/someone who likes you for you..theres something to be said for that..Same time cant blame the guy for his own preferences.
Looking back it really was&has been a crutch for me personally when it seemed I had no other outlet for the stress of family,work& relationships. Suppose part of the process in quitting is being able to recognize emotional reasons I do feel the need/urge to smoke. Breaking the habit will be a big accomplishment, good luck to everyone who's a part of this community. The support offered here is invaluable.
"It's never too late - in fiction or in life - to revise." ~ Nancy Thayer
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Congrats on going almost an entire MONTH without a cig. You are BAD ASS! I'll get there, I'm on day 4. But I feel good. At some point in our history, as a society, smoking used to be viewed as "avant garde" or cool even. But now it's just silly because everyone knows cigs kill. And they stink. And they're NOT sexy. So yeah, I'm sure every good looking woman passing me by while I toked on a camel thought "dead man walking". Who wants that? Well, no more. Even after 4 days I'm starting to sleep better, and I'm definitely not wreaking of smoke. My sense of smell is starting to get better, which is telling me that all my stuff smells like smoke [still]. So I have to clean....

(Ooooh, I just saw a commercial, yay)

My addiction, skittles and love...

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Well, fortunately the man in my life does not smoke, and hasn't since I've known him. He is an ex-smoker. When we started dating I told him I would not quit smoking for him, so if he had a problem with it, then he needed to hit the road. (I loved smoking! and still do). I'm an addict. My quit date is Sunday, May 4.

Now, I feel like I'm getting older, sick of the smell, and the look, and sick of my boyfriend telling me I'm not going to be pretty anymore. He says I'm going to start looking old and nasty and rough. He says I'm going to look like my grandma. It hurts, and it's scary to think that it could happen.

I'm quitting for my vanity. It's going to be a hard road, and I am really scared of failure. I have tried before, and failed so it really freaks me out!
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I love smoking too!! It's my favorite thing. I am doing a big time battle with myself right now. I really want to go out and buy an pack of cigs. and smoke smoke smoke!!! The cool thing is that I know that the craving is going to get stronger and stronger before it gets better so I might as well get used to it and not budge. I am staying home tonight. I'm not going to get in my car (no matter how badly I want to) and go to the store and buy ciggies. I will prevail!! LOL I'm on day 3 but I have been having one a day and today is the last day for that.
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Hey hey Joe! Glad to hear you're feelin good-on day...7 now are we? Congrats!! You know I planned to break theaddiction fully in May. You know what though? Spontaneously decided to give it a go& quit cold turkey 2days ago, upon reading your "dead man walkin" blog..something about that really hit hard.
First day that I quit smokn sleeping was NOT possible..but its gettn better for me too&being well rested can make all the diff in the way you feel-oh that & when the lungs are better oxygenated-naturally you start to think& feel better. Haha, I just saw a commercial today too.. theres "relearn driving","relearn coffee"w/out cigs-try "relearning breath!" Thats quite a task too.
Gets a little easier with every new day,
Stay Encouraged!
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Hey Jenny, yep day 7 this hour as a matter of fact. I appreciate your support, and congrats to you for just taking the leap as I did. I was in the same sort of situation, I picked a quit date like a couple weeks out. Even though I knew I was ready to quit the moment I visited the site. I went almost the whole way, then the day before I decided to just quit already. I'm feeling good myself, but I have my moments. The thing is, I grew so disgusted with the "smoke" part of smoking that I don't want one, but find myself feeling uneasy when I'm idle, which was usually when I would go outside and smoke. But, I've got skittles for that now. ~grin~ And yeah, sleeping the first two nights was near impossible. But it's gotten much better after a week. I'm so happy for you because pretty soon it'll get easier for you too. My dead man walking reference hit me pretty hard too, especially every time I look at my son. He's 6 and had apparently learned in school that smoking is bad for one's health, so he's been kinda telling me to quit, in that cute "who can resist the cuteness of a 6 year old" kind of way. In the end, it's all about motivation. I'm a good dude and I want to teach him the right way to go, only I have to be the example and no matter what other things I do to remain healthy with diet and exercise, the smoking was still killing me softly. My last physical was better than I had expected, apparently I'm as healthy as an ox, low cholesterol, low triglycerides, no protein markers for any disease, BUT some yellow ass teeth and a pair of black lungs. I asked myself, WTH? Quitting is hard. Really hard. And I feel the withdrawal my body is going through, and I feel myself getting figetty, but I can't cave in again. Smoking sucks and we're too damn good looking to keep doing it!!! HaHa....

Incidentally, I love this group. It's just the right amount of shallow to go with my skittles...

Stay strong girl, we can do it...
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Girl, I am completley with ya... There is an obvious attraction between me and this guy, but he has in so many words shown me that he does not accept my smoking habits and cannot take the next step. It is the worst feeling in the world!!!! It is kinda strange but I have never dated someone who smokes, so why would I expect someone else to date me as a smoker... This is my biggest motivation!!!

I have just started and my quit date is May 16th.... I keep in my head the list of things that motivate me, (like the thought of dating); when I get a craving... I have tried to quit before and even made it months but drinking would always "triger" a relaps. Hopefully with the help of this site and the support group behind it, I will become an EX!

Good luck on becoming an EX and drop me a line if you need motivation!!!!
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