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Give and get support around quitting

i want to stop

i want to stop somoking for myself and for my daughter. i have tryed alot of things but i just can't seem to stop. if you can help me pleas do so i am willing to hear form anyone on what helped you. i just joined to day so i am still learning about this all it is all new to me

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3 Replies

well I started my new smoke free life monday I have a daughter thats a junior in college  I wanted to quit when she was born, what I know is time keeps on ticking so might as well quit now and be smoke free next year this time nothing to lose but are cough

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A few things have failed for me too.  But go to your doctor and ask about Chantex.   It cost me 75USD for the doctor visit and 166USD for the 1month prescription.  So it is very expensive, but look at the long term effects.  Both how much money you will save (well over 1,000USD per year) and the major health benefits.

If you try this method, aim to quit 1 week after you starting taking the prescription.  And along the way, cut how many you smoke.   ex.  20on a normal basis.  So day 1 have 18.  Day 2 - have 15.  Day 3 - have 12.  Day 4 - have 10.  Day 5 - have 6.  Day 6 - have 4.  Day 7 - have 1(or 2 tops)

But beyond that, you need people to help you along the way.  Look towards the end of everything - How people will be soo proud of you.  How you will be lengthening your own lifespan, and increasing your lifestyle.

Good luck with Quitting and keep us updated ^^

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thanks for the advice i will talk to my doctor and ask thanks again

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