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Give and get support around quitting


cant breathe

i'm 31yr old smoker with asthma. I never had asthma until I was 27yrs old, I've been smoking since I was 15! I look back now and think  "what an idiot I was" I can honestly say I smoked my first cigarette to be cool. 16yrs later, unable to breathe properly and I still cant stop smoking. The thing is I've dealt with similar issues in my life, for example. I'm a recovering heroin addict with 7yrs sobriety. I've gone through addiction before, I know how to separate myself from destructive behaviors but for some reason cigarettes have a hold on me I cant shake.

I guess the main reason I want/need to quit is my asthma, I'm on 2 inhalers and I still have shallow breathing almost everyday. Smoking increases these symptoms and makes them worse. I fear I may be heading down the road of getting emphysema or worse one of the smoking related cancers. I have found this site and find it more useful then other quit smoking tools. I have hope that the time for quiting is nearing and I'm reaching out for support, any positive comments or suggestions are much appreciated. I look up to the people who have already quit and are working hard to achieve their goal, you inspire people like me who are still struggling.



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3 Replies

I smoked for 55 yrs and quit..So if I can do it, I know you can..   You really NEED to quit, your breathing will improve right away..  I have heard good things about chantix on here..  I used committ under the tongue..and it worked great..  You have to have a resolve that you really want to quit and look forward to the future and not back...Forget those  16yrs you can go the rest of your life left to you smokefree...  After you make it a month you start feeling really good..But you have to stay on guard for the rest of ;your life...  and do not listen to those little voices that say just one will not hurt...  Just one weakens your resolve and the next thing you know are a smoker again...So no not one ever for any reason..   You can do it hang in there and stay strong and make up your mind to do it...Shirley

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Thanks for your encouraging words. This is why I love this site!

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First off I think geminigypsylady read my mind we sound so similar I was not on a much meds for asthma COPD and allergies only 2 inhalers and one allergy pill. But like her Iam almost 60 days smoke free and haven't used my emergency inhaler forever sometimes I even forget to take it with me. That thing has been attached to me since 1984. How stupid I was to continue smoking after the asthma was found. I would love to have the money and time back I wasted on those horrible cigs.I am just rejoycing that they are out of my life. You really need to quit  it sound like seek medical attention and get some help if you need it. Your lungs will only get worse if you keep somking.

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