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Give and get support around quitting


i relapsed after a year non smoking

A certain friend is the nervous type and chain smokes i allowed him to stay a week and i relapsed.its happen in the past around this person.

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28 Respuestas

Okay.  So what now?

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I'm sorry to hear you relapsed. Does this friend persistently Pressure  you to smoke or you give in on your own? Your quit and your health should be the most important thing.  If that means losing a friend, well, I hate to say it but you may want to distance yourself from that friend. 



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I'm so sorry to hear this. Will you get right back on track?

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I have to agree with Kristen - this is not a friend you want to be around if you keep losing your quit.........but

you must not have accepted yet that you are not giving anything up.  Of the two of you, you are the strongest and will become a free person in time.  They will not.  Remember, too, that they don't want to smoke, they HAVE to smoke.  They want what you had - freedom from addiction.

Please quit again soon!  Accept that what you seek is more important than a momentary hit of dopamine!



Well, it it's happened in the past around this person, then you obviously know this person is a major trigger for you.  If you just recently relapsed, I hope you'll jump right back in the game immediately.  If it happened a week or two or a month ago, I still hope you jump right back in the game ASAP.  You've posted this because, presumably, you want to re-gain your quit freedom.  You posted this as a question.  What exactly is your question?  This looks more like statement to me.

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Smoking is a choice. Did he encourage you or force you to smoke? 

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Thank You Tracey for being brave enough to come here and share! I hope you get back up onto the Freedom Train ASAP! Your FREE ticket is waiting at the window. We're all reaching out to you hoping you rejoin us!


We can't say it enough - Quitting isn't an Event you do and then move on with your Life. Quitting is a Lifelong Journey! We take each step forward on a daily basis. We don't have to dwell on it after a few Weeks but we do have to recommit and remain vigilant. The Law of Addiction applies no matter how much time we have behind us. 


Tracey, good sorry to read about your troubles....(God knows I've had mine)  This staying quit business may not be as hard after a substantial amount of time has passed, however, it still needs to be acknowledged that it can come back on us @ any given time, and any given circumstance.  Addiction doesn't need a grand event to become a presence in our lives is always a significant element in our lives "FOREVER!"  

We don't just wake up at some point in our lives and become "cured" of our, we simply become familiar with the addictive nature, and learn to live within it's boundaries.  Not in fear of it, or enslaved to it...simply aware of it's presence and NEVER take it lightly.  Just one drag, and poof! There it is....back into our bloodstream, and triggering our minds into calling out to us to light up another.

You know what needs to be done.  Heck, you have been doing it for over a year, so it's not like you don't know what to do. Just find the willingness to get your stuff together and get after it again.  The sooner the better.  btw, feeling sorry for yourself will not serve you well either.  Nobody is going to pass judgement on you here.  Certainly not anyone worthy of being here anyway.  You are most likely going to be your harshest critic.

As someone who quit for over 13 years with a perfect quit, and resumed for another 15 years after that...only to come back here and just now get to 351 days again....I assure you, YOU are your biggest obstacle.  Get out of your own way, and do what you need to do NOW!

Pops  351 DOF....